
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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There are basically two ventilation principles that can be utilised in a room: mixing ventilation (denoted MV) and displacement ventilation (denoted DV).
Dokka T H, Tjelflaat P O, Bjorseth O
Short-circuiting of ventilation air reduces significantly the efficiency of ventilation in diluting and removing contaminants and excess heat.
Sandberg M, Chan C, Li Y
Velocity and turbulence intensity profiles of airflow inside a section of Boeing 737 aircraft cabin were measured using PIV technique.
Mo H, Hosni M H, Jones B W
The work presented here is a design and implementation of PID control system to regulate a supply duct outlet air temperature in PEM (Personal Environment Module).
Chang Y J, Park Y C, Chung K S, Han H T, Lee J J
This paper investigates ventilation characteristics and room airflow distributions in a workstation area of an office building with a personal environmental system.
Han H, Choi S-H, Jang K-J, Chung K-S, Park Y-C, Yee J-J
This paper presents the concepts of partition by aero-dynamic means; mentions that vertical current partitioning, horizontal current partitioning and displacement ventilation (DV) are the main measures on partition in large spaces; introduces way
Gong G, Fu Z, Tang G
Aiming at the running property of hig-speed passenger cars, the paper discusses its indoor air quality's evaluation index and method for calculating outdoor ventilation rate.
Zhang J, Yang W, Li H
Some guidelines for a method devoted to the evaluation of different physical characteristics of building facades, equipped with glazed surfaces, are proposed.
la Gennusa M, Rizzo G, Nucara A, Pietrafesa M
Energy consumption in building accounts for 30 percent of all the energy consumption of external envelope takes an important part.
Liu G, Kong X, Xing X
Indoor air humidity is an extremely important environmental parameter that can significantly affect the energy consumption of a building, its structure, the chemical emissions from building materials, as well as occupants' comfort and health.
This paper explores the problems about the layout of smoke emission for inside hallways of high-rise buildings and underground garages, the selection of smoke emission fans and fire proof valves for basement air feed systems.
The determination of building insulation levels is an indispensable part of low-energy residential building design.
This paper justifies the need for an integrated approach to building performance assessment and provides examples of the technical appraisals that may then be enabled.
Clarke J A
As part of IEA Annex 35 "Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Office Buildings" a number of pilot study buildings are monitored for demonstration of hybrid ventilation performance.
Brohus H, Frier C, Heiselberg P
This paper analyses buoyancy-driven natural ventilation assisted or opposed by winds in a building with thermal stratification.
Li Y, Chen Z, Delsante A
Decision about the use of natural, mechanical or hybrid ventilation system in a building should be taken at the early stages of the building design.
Fracastoro G V, Mutani G, Perino M
Based on measured wall temperatures made by an infrared camera the flow and temperature fields were computed for an atrium. The nature of this atrium is a large enclosure inside a school building surrounded by halls and classrooms.
Rosier M, Grundmann R
The aim of this paper is to verify the applicability of coupling thermal and multizonal simulation codes to the study of hybrid ventilated buildings.
Citterio M, Romeo C
A numerical study was carried out to gain an understanding of the ventilation performance of solar chimneys with uniform heat flux from both walls.
Chen Z D, Li Y
The substance of AC fresh air control is that fully utilises outdoor fresh air according to enthalpy of outdoor air, so achieves the goal of energy saving and improving indoor quality.
Wang L, Ma L, Yang T
