
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Natural cooling has an important role in decreasing fuel consumption in buildings. The design is mainly directed at reducing heat gains.
Cetegen E, Arisoy A
Presents the design of latent heat storage with small polyethylene spheres with encapsulated PCM, forming porous media inside the duct of the building ventilation system.
Medved S, Arkar C, Tori P
Describes an improved form of the standard k-epsilon model for buoyant room flows and gives an assessment of the results. The improved model is based on the generalized gradient diffusion hypothesis of Daly and Harlow.
Stankov P, Denev J, Bartak M, Drkal F, Lain M, Schwarzer J, Zmrha V
Residential buildings in Korea are equipped with only radiant heating systems (Ondol). Fenestration openings alone provide the ventilation, and the system is dependent on occupant control.
Sohn J-Y, Yoon D-W, Kang S-J, Choi K-S
Reviews several key aspects of ventilation and indoor air quality standards. Also highlights the complexity of the IAQ issues from the standardization viewpoint.
Railio J, Turner S
Presents CFD simulations and field experiments on ventilation efficiency in an underground car park with natural ventilation.
Cumo F, de Santoli L, Moncada lo Giudice G
A multidisciplinary panel of experts in the EUROVEN collaboration evaluated scientific literature on the effects of ventilation on health, comfort and productivity in non-industrial indoor environments.
Wargocki P, Sundell J, Bischof W, Brundrett G, et al
Describes a study carried out to analyse the findings of VOC levels found in a tropical office building under different conditions of ventilation operation.
Sultan Z M, Kwok Wai T K, Sekhar C, Kok Wai D C, Wong N H, Lee H K, Amanullah M D
Considers how ventilation provision affects the indoor air quality in tropical climates, and the energy aspect.
Sekhar S C, Tham Kwok Wai, Cheong, Wong N H
In an office renovate one year previously, a study of perceived air quality, sick building syndrome symptoms and subject performance was made.
Gohara T, Iwashita G
Many buildings in Austria experience poor indoor climate states and critical states of their construction.
Dreyer J, Bednar T, Hecht C
The effectiveness of personalized ventilation based on air movement around a room's occupant largely depends on the supply air terminal device or ATD. Five different ATDs were tried and compared.
Melikov A K, Cermak R, Mayer M
This study investigates the viability and cost effectiveness of natural ventilation in Istanbul.
Arisoy A
This study discusses the results of site measurement and surveying for IEQ in several of Shanghai's multi-storey buildings.
Long W, Pan Y, Bai W
This paper is based upon the results of measuring and simulating the air change in the single apartment of 5-storey multi-family dwelling. The technique of tracer gas concentration decay was applied to be able to assess the rate of air change.
Baranowski A
During extreme weather conditions, the poor quality of windows and doors in several dwellings led to a high number of air changes. This created physical and psychical discomfort for the occupants.
Kalas J, Lucskay J, Vranayova Z
The importance of IAQ to Finland's society and economy has led to the realisation that nationally planned and coordinated activities are necessary to achieve reliable results.
Kauko K, Kukkonen E
Many occupants of a Swedish office building reported symptoms typical of sick building syndrome (SBS). A questionnaire was constructed to rate occupants'
Burt T
Many occupants of a Swedish office building reported symptoms typical of sick building syndrome (SBS). Tests showed that the supply airflows were inadequate, but there was poor air movement in the rooms.
Holmberg S, Burt T
Several problems can occur if the design, installation and maintenance of HVAC systems fail to follow appropriate standards.
Cellai G, Carletti C, Raffellini G, Altano G, Cennini L
