
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Describes how CSTB undertook an experimental study of three schools in the Paris region to get to know the real quality of indoor air in educational buildings.
Riberon J
In order to adapt ventilation losses to the actual use of the premises one must aim to control the energy loads due to air renewal while at the same time ensuring the maintenance of good indoor air quality for comfort and hygiene for the occupants
Bernard A-M
Modulated ventilation would seem to be an interesting solution, capable of satisfying the demands of air quality in commercial buildings while avoiding thermal losses. The article gives an overview of this type of ventilation system.
Pelletier X
The Ajust'Air concept makes it possible to adjust between the entry loss of fresh air and the extraction of tainted air in the locality following the ventilation requirements marked by the carbon gas parameter.
Nosjean P
The most carefully calculated and designed air conditioning installation will not be comfortable for the occupants unless the air diffuser is chosen correctly.
Mancini M
Developed in the 80s in Scandinavia, the principle of cooling and heating by ceiling beam now comprises a large element of current techniques for the conditioning of large buildings in northern Europe, the UK, Germany and the Benelux countries, an
Leau S
Economic and polyvalent, numerical simulation, or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) lends itself to the topic of air diffusion. An overview of this useful modelling strategy.
Martineau P-Y
States that quite simple formulae can be used for humid air, but that this is not the case for humid temperature. Gives an overview of the iterative method to be used in this case.
Ginestet S, Stabat P
Explains the importance of taking into account several parameters, one of which being the effect of the installation of the ventilator into the circuit, when analysing ventilator energy consumption.
Guedel A
In France, the performance of ventilation systems in existing buildings is poorly understood today and rarely checked.
Barles P, Lemaire M-C, Larsso R
Outlines the Venturie effect for air flow in buildings.
Meefout R
An update on the situation for naturally ventilating garages for motor vehicles.
den Tonkelaar E S
Flow and heat transfer calculations have been operated in a typical office room equipped with a displacement ventilation and a chilled ceiling system. Results show quasi-periodic flow when the values of internal thermal loads are high.
Rees S J, MgGuirk J J, Haves P
Describes the testing methods of filters intended to be used in ventilation systems, and their classification according to their performance.
Ginestet A
The research in this thesis aims to provide information about the uncertainty attached to the prediction of thermal comfort in buildings, in the context of the specific case of a naturally ventilated office building.
De Wit M S
This thesis was based on numerous experiments operated in a full-size cell in order to study ventilation efficiency and thermal comfort associated with several positions of air inlet and outlet, taking into account different sources of disturbance
Laporthe S
The Airinstruct project objective was to understand the thermal performance of ventilated building components, namely ventilated roof, ventilated wall, solar roof and dynamic insulation.
Dimoudi A
The key objective of Precis was to evaluate the potential of renewable energies, including natural ventilation, in cities by exploring the relationships between urban form and energy/environmental performance.
Steemers K
