
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This study was based upon a laboratory comparison of two air duct cleaning methods, mechanical brushing and compressed air cleaning.
Holopainen R, Asikainen V, Blorkroth M, Tuomainen M, Kovanen K, Pasanen P, Seppanen O
A good air quality control system ensures that the most common harmful gaseous contaminants are kept below permissible levels particularly in forced ventilated spaces.
Timar G O
States that zero and low wind speed occurrences are often overestimated in standard meteorological data for use by HVAC engineers because of the use of the robust, rotating cup anemometers.
Levermore G, Sanders C, Dewsbury J, Gadian A, Laycock P
Describes the development of a particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) measurement system for use with full-scale room airflows.
Zhao L, Zhang Y, Wang X, Riskowski G L, Christianson L L
States that inconsistency exists in thermal comfort conditions for local air movement.
Homma H
Empirical validation studies of the application of multizone indoor air quality models to residential-scale buildings are reviewed here. The focus is on empirical verification efforts.
Emmerich S J
Describes a study carried out to validate multizone airflow and contaminant migration simulation programs as they apply to the modelling of tall buildings. Tracer gas experiments were performed in a building on a university campus.
Upham R D, Yuill G K, Bahnfleth W P
Included in applications of multizone airflow and contaminant dispersion models to specific buildings are air quality diagnosis, weatherization, smoke control, and pressure balancing for laboratory hood safety.
Armstrong P R, Hadley D L, Stenner R D, Janus M C
Describes the application of the HERS BESTEST system to a building energy simulation computer program. There was good agreement between the simulation computer program predictions and those of the reference programs.
Haddad K H, Beausoleil-Morrison I
To validate the emergency operation modes of a 7 km long underground railway tunnel ventilation system, a full-scale experimental investigation has been performed.
Yang K H, Lee S K
The use of two simplified models was demonstrated in this study, the box and momentum methods, in order to simulate complex diffusers in room airflow modelling by CFD.
Srebric J, Chen Q
States that 80% or more of infiltration is due to the many imperfections designed into the building envelopes. Discusses the problem and the role of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-1999.
Wagdy A Y, Anis A I A
Interest in natural ventilation is growing in the USA. Potential benefits include lower energy costs, improved indoor environmental quality and greater occupant satisfaction.
Jones J, West A W
Discusses how important it is to understand how the exhaust fan, stack discharge and replacement air contribute to a successful kitchen exhaust system.
Clark J A
An innovative and potentially energy efficient approach to ventilating and cooling buildings is represented by hybrid ventilation. Discusses the application of hybrid ventilation strategies to building design in the USA.
Kosik W J
The study forms part of a research project performed by LEPTAB and ATMO Poitou-Charente within PRIMEQUAL program which targets the relation between the indoor and local outdoor pollution.
Iordache V, Genin D, Allard F
Among significant occupational health problems are building-related health complaints and symptoms.
Yang X, Srebric J
The study aimed to identify the behaviour of wind in the type of urban blocks usually found in cities in tropical climates. The results presented here were obtained in colonial type areas.
Bonneaud F, Musy M, Depecker P
There are important benefits to come from using passive techniques as opposed to artificial cooling. They may not be sufficient to provide thermal comfort throughout the year in wet tropical areas, however.
Tenorio R
Describes a global approach to passive design of naturally ventilated buildings situated in the French overseas territories.
Garde F, Mara T, Lucas F, Miranville F, Adelard L
