
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Postulates that figures for the energy load of a building affected by infiltration may be too high because the simple formula used does not account for heat recovery within the building envelope.
Sherman M H, Walker I S
Experimental and simulation results are presented from an investigation of simultaneous heat air and moisture transport in a loose-fill insulation.
Reisner K, Wang J, Hagentoft C-E, Mainka G-W
Field measurements and numerical simulation were used to measure moisture transfer to the building envelope for a building with and without a vapour barrier.
Simonson C J, Salonvaara M H, Ojanen T
US standards for manufactured homes are designed to provide adequate outdoor air supply for the buildings. COMTAM96 was used to simulate one of the buildings under different ventilation situations.
Persily A K, Martin S R
Describes how design aids were developed to simplify the task of sizing inlet and exhaust openings and airway height for cathedral ceilings. Recommends guidelines for when and where roof ventilation is needed to avoid icings at eaves.
Tobiasson W N, Buska J S, Greatorex A R
Illustrates a procedure to optimise the building envelope during the early design stages, in respect to costs, construction and use and energy performance improvements. The tool is aimed at project authors and client.
Hauglustaine J-M
Describes a new airtightness test procedure for testing a single zone within a multizone building. The technique enables the measurement of partition leakage so that it can be subtracted from the overall zone leakage.
Proskiw G, Parekh A
In situ measurements were compared with a numerical model to assess the effectiveness of the model for active envelopes as energy efficient building envelope solutions.
Saelens D, Hens H
Discusses what benefits there may be in employing an effective quality assurance program for building envelope air barrier systems, and what elements it should include.
Knight K D, Boyle B J, Phillips B G
Heat transfer in loose-fill attic insulation was investigated in a large-scale model of a ventilated attic built in a climatic chamber.
Wahlgren P
States that hybrid ventilation systems use the strengths of both mechanical and natural ventilation strategies.
Wahlstrom A M, Nielsen J R
States that buildings in Saudi Arabia are often constructed without attention to the occupant discomfort caused by hot summer temperatures.
Al-Garny A M, Tinker J A
Describes the features of a prototype home designed for a large builder in Michigan, USA, and the results of a series of DOE-2.1E energy simulations performed to assess the impact of various energy efficient aspects.
Griffiths D M
A dynamic computer program was used to analyse the operation and performance of a thermal comfort controller for HVAC systems with forced-air ventilators. The software tool used was GEMS (Generalized Engineering Modeling and Simulation).
Shah D J
The proceedings of this conference cover the following topics: building design process; commissioning, operation and maintenance; controls and measurement; energy and building; heat pump and panel heating and cooling; HVAC systems and equipment; I
Describes a project to develop strategies and dissemination material to assist the efficient application of solar and passive ventilation in urban buildings.
Kolokotroni M, Santamouris M, Papakonstantinou K, et al
States that the design team must set goals in order to successfully achieve high-performance, low energy buildings.
Hayter S J, Torcellini P A, Hayter R B, Judkoff R
Air conditioning equipment commissioning adjusts the variables of air diffusion, induction ratio and Coanda effect to optimise comfort.
Zephinia Lane W, Lane C L
Faults and malfunctions in HVAC systems can be difficult to detect with current tools. The survey developed automatic faults detection diagnostic tools for the improvement of buildings facilities supervision.
Vaezi-Nejad P D H, Jandon M, Visier J C, Clemencon B, Jicquel J M, Diot F
Analyses the operation and life cycle costs of industrial buildings using an energy and environmental auditing process. The results will be used in the design of optimized HVAC systems for the future.
Petras D, Magyar J, Kalus D
