Ventilation and infiltration measurements in a residential building in connection with the radon problem. Ventilatie- en infilratiemetingen in een woning in verband met deradonproblematiek.

Describes the measurement of infiltration in each of the seven rooms of a house over the period from November 1983 to January 1984 with occasional use of mechanical exhaust ventilation. Nitrous oxide was used as the tracer gas. External meteorological conditions were also recorded. The measurement principles are outlined and detailed results presented. Various mathematical models are assessed in comparison with the measured data.

The great escape

Describes experiments to measure the ventilation rates of two small open-plan factories, one typical of current design and one designed to be more energy efficient, with increased levels of insulation and a tighter method of construction. Air leakage rates were measured using the Watson House Leakage Tester, and ventilation rates were monitored by the Watson House Autovent System. The problems involved are described, and how they were overcome in this case.

Natural cooling of a residential room with ventilation in hot arid regions.

In order to determine ventilation performances in hot arid regions a transient program was simulated for a single room with glass windows. The calculations were done on climatic data of a typical city close to the central desert of Iran. Results indicate that the incident solar radiation to the room has a high influence on the room air temperature.

Distribution of energy consumption field measurement in 11 detached dwellings of the same design.

The air exchange rate and total heat loss were measured in 11 detached dwellings to find the relationship between measured and calculated transmission heat loss factors based on standard Norwegian calculation methods. For 9 houses the measurements were done under stable climatic conditions. Air change rate varied between 0.2 and 0.7 ach with an average value of 0.45 ach. These measurements, together with several others, confirm that the Norwegian Standard (NS3031) for calculation of the transmission heat losses is reasonably correct.

The role of natural ventilation for indoor climate control in Austrian buildings.

The influence of air infiltration and window opening on the indoor air quality in Austrian residential buildings was investigated. During the heating season, air infiltration plays a major role in securing hygienic conditions of indoor air and acts as basic ventilation. Air tight windows in new or renovated buildings do not provide this basic ventilation and can give rise to poor indoor air quality unless acceptable fittings for permanent ventilation are provided. Window opening can not replace the effect of permanent ventilation but plays a role as comfort ventilation.

The influence of ageing and air change on the emission rate of gases and vapours from some building materials.

The influence of air change and ageing on emissions from 5 different building materials were studied. It was concluded that increasing the air change rate in a rather leaky house was of practically no importance in preventing problems caused by emissions. It was also assumed that a reduction of the air change rate in a tight house may result in a considerable increase in the concentration of substances in the room air. For all 5 materials, the emission rate decreases with time.

Test chamber handbook.

A test chamber was designed and constructed at Princeton University for research purposes. The structure is essentially a miniature house, with no internal partitions, built with simplicity and uniformity in mind. Also thetest chamber was built to have minimal infiltration rates, and with versatility to facilitate experimentation. The test chamber is a tool to study subtle effects in the thermal performance of structures.

Measurements of indoor air quality and comparison with ambient air. A study on 15 homes in Northern Italy.

A survey was carried out on 15 homes in Northern Italy to evaluate the occurrence of 35 selected volatile organic compounds and of total volatile organics in indoor air and in ambient (outdoor) air. Respirable suspended particulates and venti

Radon concentrates and ventilation rates in Eastern Pennsylvania houses.

A representative panel of 37 conventional houses in Eastern Pennsylvania was chosen. Each house was located with respect to its geological formation (the underlying substrate). Blower-door ventilation measurements were made. The concentration of radon in the domestic water supplies was analysed and passive radon monitors were used to measure the radon in the air. It was concluded that the radon in these houses arises largely from the soil and passes through the foundations.

Determination of reference wind for the calculation of heat losses associated with change of air in buildings. Determination du vent de reference pour le calcul des deperditions thermiques liees au renouvellement d'air des locaux.

Describes a method to estimate differences in external pressure values between walls from known mean pressure coefficients on the facades and roof of the building in question and from the determination of wind values on the site and at the same height as the building.
