The application of structural measures for energy conservation in existing buildings.

Illustrates the measures which can be carried out on building elements in order to save energy. Describes different methods and states advantages and disadvantages as well as suitable combinations of measures. Includes descriptions of how to improve windows and doors, and a calculation of theenergy conservation measures.

Natural and/or mechanical ventilation. Naturliche und/oder mechanische luftung.

In most office buildings, the continuous renewal of air cannot be guaranteed by means of ventilation through windows during any optional time. It is known (in the case of radiators and window ventilation) that when a window is open the ventilating heat cannot be recovered and other heat losses will occur.< The paper proves that the heating of a building by air is a greater energy saver then the conventional solution through static heating and window ventilation.

Effects of energy conservation measures in existing buildings.

Investigates the effect of energy-saving measures by selecting a large number of multi-family and single-family swedish houses where such measures have been carried out. Energy saving methods include insulation of external walls and attics, triple glazing windows, and installation of radiator thermostatic valves. Concludes that these modifications have, in average, led to anticipated savings when they have been modified individually. Also considers moisture problems arising in retrofitted houses, and the effectiveness of different types of weatherstrips in energy conservation.

Cost of energy conservation measures for new housing.

Presents the extra costs in new housing of a number of measures designed to reduce space heating costs. The measures used to reduce energy consumption in new houses in Sakatoon were:< 1. airtightness with controlled ventilation< 2. superinsulation< 3. use of the south windows for passive solar gain.< States that results are applicable in most parts of the Canadian prairie.

Energy consumption in industrial buildings during shut-down periods. Seisokkiajan energiankulutus teollisuushalleissa.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, a consulting firm performed an investigation of the possible energy savings in industrial halls outside working hours. The ventilation should be closed during shut-down periods, and air change through natural draught cut down to a minimum. The ventilation by leakage of an industrial building may be estimated at 0.1-0.5 air changes per hour, therefore the tightness of the constructions is imperative. The decrease of the temperature in industrial halls during non-working hours is imperative.

Mechanical ventilation.

As insulation standards improve, heat loss by ventilation becomes a larger proportion of the total heat loss from a building. Ventilation control is therefore necessary to minimize heating energy consumption in houses. States that while passive systems and those requiring occupant participation maygive satisfactory results, only a mechanical system can provide predictable ventilation routes and rates at all times. An extract only system has low initial cost, but it is difficult to ensure fresh air ventilation throughout the rooms of the house.

Simplified heating and cooling energy analysis calculations for residential applications.

Demonstrates a simplified energy calculation procedure (suitable for a handheld calculator) developed for the evaluation of home retrofitting with respect to energy conservation. 

Improvement of heat conservation in buildings Epuletek hovedelmenek utolagos fokosaza

Says that improvement of wall insulation and reduction of air change rates in existing buildings is the most efficient architectural means of energy conservation. Calculates that 200 gwh of heating energy can be saved per year in Hungary using this method.

Effect of energy conservation by controlled ventilation: case study in a department store.

The outdoor-air load in a large building uses 30-40% of the total cooling or heating energy. The report describes various ways of reducing the outdoor air-load in relation to the occupancy rate (persons/sq.m). Analysis (by computer simulation) was made of possible energy savings in a Tokyo department store through control of outdoor-air ventilation.

Energy saving effects in dwellings where measures have been implemented by governmental energy saving grants.

Presents the results from a comprehensive empirical investigation of 1144 swedish buildings in which energy conservation measures eligible for Government funding assistance have been undertaken.
