Energy efficient houses - an integrated approach.

Outlines the design of 6 energy efficient houses in Co. Kildare by the Electricity Supply Board, Ireland. The aim of the project is to collect and disseminate information on the costs and benefits of energy efficient houses. The houses will be monitored both occupied and unoccupied over a number of years, using a microcomputer on-site, with the required parameter values eventually being processed on a mainframe computer. Includes a description of the methods to be used in minimizing natural ventilation losses eg improved window joinery, entry point lobbies and appropriate draught sealing.


Reviews methods of energy conservation in factories. States that excessive infiltration is unlikely to be the cause of high energy consumption, but that the most significant loads imposed by infiltration probably occur through open loading bays. Suggests the installment of double door lobbies to overcome this. Says the ideal factory heating system would include mechanical ventilation, with outside air mixed with warm "roof level" air. Describes potential sources of energy wastage and ways of rectifying this situation.

Builder's guide to energy efficiency in new housing.

This report is a guide to give the canadian builder practical information in the area of energy conservation in new housing. Offers useful suggestions for planning, designing and building a more energy efficient home. Sections covered include energy use in dwellings, air tightness, ventilation andmoisture control, options for improving the building shell, space heating and cooling systems, and cost considerations. Takes the 1979 Ontario Building Code as the basis upon which to develop and evaluate improvements.

Residential ventilation with heat recovery.

Discusses the use of a regenerative, air-to-air, rotary heat exchanger as part of a controlled ventilation system in a modern tightly built house. Describes analytical studies and the construction of a prototype. A four-month trial ina test-house indicated that the unit would be capable of recovering 5000 Kw/hof waste energy if operations were extended over the full heating system.

The tightness of the building stock in Finland. Havaintoja rakennuskannan tiiviystasosta.

Gives air leakage measurements which show that improvement of the tightness of the outer core of a building gives an energy saving of 5000 Kw/a in comparison to a conventionally constructed building.< Finds that the most leakage occurs at the joints of walls and ceiling, followed by the breakthrough for electrical wiring, the corners of the buildings, the windows, the joints of wall and floor and the joints of ducts and ceiling.< Older houses in Sweden have approximately the same rate of leakage as in Finland, ie 5-10 changes per hour at 50 pa.

Ventilation and heat recovery in single family dwellings: advantages in summer and winter. Ventilasjon med varmegjenvinning i enebolig fordeler bade sommer og vinter.

Reports on single family dwellings fitted with energy-saving ventilation unit. Quotes energy savings of 10,000 Kwh/annum. Points out that adequate indoor climate can be maintained through tight houses, mechanical ventilation and heat recovery as opposed to airing rooms by opening windows.

Estimating effects of energy conservation measures: a Swedish study.

Reports on the Swedish Energy Saving Survey of 1980, which produced two kinds of estimates on the effects of a number of energy conservation measures:< 1. Theoretical estimates based on simple degree-day models.< 2. Empirical estimates based on the amount of savings actually obtained in a house after retrofitting.< Compares the two methods of estimation, which shows the limitations of the theoretical estimates.

Building energy use compilation and analysis (BECA): An international comparison and critical review. Part A: New residential buildings.

The potential for energy consevation in space heating of new residential buildings is characterized using results from computer analysis, and from a survey of low-energy houses. Simulations of the energy requirements of a proto-type house in the USA at different levels of conservation show that much higher levels of conservation then those presently employed in new houses result in minimum life-cycle costs.

Right combination of measures in the right building at the right time

Describes a new method, termed Minisystem Analysis (MSA) developed for the calculation of the energy conservation potential of an individual building in which a number of energy conservation measures interact. In this method, account is taken of the fact that effects cannot at all times be added, and that certain measures must always be combined in order that the full effect may be obtained.

Energy saving in existing residential buildings.

Presents the results of a Swedish survey of 1144 buildings to investigate the amount of energy saved from a number of different energy conservation measures.< Results show that the energy conservation measures result in a savings effect on average, and that the actual measured saving effects agree well with the theoretical effects which should have arisen from specific conservation measures.
