States that a comprehensive sealing program should be considered in every residential energy conservation program. Covers the theory of air flow in a structure , how this theory is converted into a practical service, and theeffect on the house including humidity and air quality concerns. Describes the infiltrometer, a pressurization device used to detect air leakage, how to useit and how to interpret data.
Discusses an energy saving project managed by a Swedish contractor ABV and sponsored by the SCBR. The project concerns about 500 flats in buildings that are 25-40 yrs old. Uses and applies experiences from theoretical and experimental work of testing air permeability and calculation of ventilation and infiltration. Describes development of some new techniques for measuring infiltration/ventilation. The work has also resulted in a new measuring unit for recording and treating temperature values.
Measures houses with energy efficient designs in Eugene, Oregon and Rochester (NY) for effective leakage area using blower door fan pressurization. Determines air change rates by tracer gas decay analysis. Makes fan pressurization measurements on 13 new houses in the San Francisco Bay area that have been partially sealed with polymeric foam sealant. Measures a similar group of 13 unsealed houses as a control. Uses the results of thesemeasurements in conjunction with an infiltration model developed at LBL to predict average annual and heating season infiltration rates.
Descibes tests conducted by the Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to evaluate cost effectiveness of certain retrofits. 20 houses in Walnut Creek CA underwent an air infiltration reduction program, simi
Discusses the second natural energy conservation program in Sweden implemented in 1980. This sets out to estimate the national energy saving potential, with special reference to existing housing. A refined method for calculation of energy sa
Describes a project carried out by the Bonneville Power Administration where 18 houses at its Midway substation in central Washington were retrofitted and the results monitored for a 3 year period. The houses were divided into 3 groups. During
Explains possibilities of saving energy in the area of ventilation. Summarises fundamental theories for calculating air flow through building leaks, ventilators and fan systems which are put in their total context - wind, temperature, air leakage, intentional ventilation, building technology, energy requirements. Treats factors which influence ventilation requirements. Compares results from field studies of actual air change rates with the requirements of Swedish Building Standard 1980.
States that windows and doors are the biggest source of energy loss in a house. This happens by air infiltration, conduction and radiation. Covers ways of cutting these energy losses to a minimum, including weatherstripping, installing storm doors and incorporating an air lock into the entrance door design.
Double-glazed windows are poor insulators, with regard to both thermal and acoustic properties. Reports on study of insulated shutters for windows, sponsored by the SCBR and the National Swedish Board for Technical Development. Estimates that the energy loss through such shutters combined with a double-glazed window is about 0.7 w/m2K (compared to 3 to 4 for the window alone) and noise transmission can be cut by 15 to 20 db. Calculates that each square metre of shutter area could save an average of about 300 KWh per year in Sweden.