Fuzzy neural networks model for building energy diagnosis

A comfortable indoor climate environment is necessary for modern buildings and therefore the Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems are widely used. Faults or disturbances are normally unavoidable in the systems and they will lead to more energy consumption or degradation of comfort level of indoor climate. Energy consumption is useful to detect the

Energy conservation benefits of a dedicated outdoor air system with parallell sensible cooling by ceiling radiant panels

Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) integrated with ceiling radiant cooling panels as a parallel sensible cooling system are being considered as an alternative to conventional variable air volume (VAV) systems for commercial buildings because of their energy conservation, first and operating costs, and indoor air quality advantages. A pilot DOAS/radiant panel cooling system is being constructed on a university campus to investigate its advantages over alternative cooling systems in

Results of the Berlin-Riga pilot project on the increasing of energy consumption efficiency in multi apartment houses

This article provides information on the characteristic heat-related data of the enclosing constructions of the existing multi-apartment houses in Latvia as well as those of the sanitation systems in these houses.Monitoring of the heat energy consumption has been conducted in order to determine energy consumption over one-year period in a renovated nine-storey multi-apartment house of the 602 series design. The results obtained through monitoring have been compared with those of the heat energy consumption in an analogous reference house.

State of the art low energy office building in Norway

This paper shows that well proved state-of-the-art technology can be utilized to keep annual average energy consumption in office buildings below 130 kWh/m2, which is well below today's average, without compromising any major functional or architectural concepts of modern design. The Norwegian building regulations, which were revised in 1997, demand calculation of energy consumption for new buildings. However, the minimum requirements to energy consumption can even be satisfied with a modest degree of insulation or high internal loads.

Optimizing energy consumption and indoor environment in cold climate buildings through use of simulation codes and optimizing procedures

Even though simulation is being increasingly used in design of modern buildings, the full potential of simulation is usually not achieved. To improve building and HVAC system performance, designers usually guess different values of design parameters and then redo the simulation without actual knowing if the guessed value will lead to improvement. This is inefficient and labor intensive. In addition, if the number of design parameters being varied exceeds two or three, the designer can be overwhelmed in trying to understand the nonlinear interactions of the parameters.

Energy consumption in occupational buildings

The aim of this project has been to provide information on energy consumption in different building categories. Previous studies have focused on total energy use and not on how the consumption of energy is divided in various categories. On a national level, statistical data are generally available in terms like energy consumption per square meter.

Houses withous heating systems. Evaluation of the first winter

Twenty terrace houses without heating system has been built in Sweden. The houses are extremely well insulated and very airtight. They are also quipped with a high efficiency ventilation heat recovery system. The total electricity consumption and the air temperature in two positions has been monitored for each of the houses on an hourly bases. Further has the environmental conditions, i.e. outdoor temperature, wind, sun etc been monitored. In six of the houses separate measurements of electricity consumption for ventilation and hot water has also been performed.

Comparison of energy consumption in buildings with demand controlled ventilation and conventional CAV

A number of computer simulation case studies have been conducted with the objective of investigating the potential for energy savings in buildings with variable air volume (VAV) systems and demand controlled ventilation (DCV), compared to buildings with conventional constant air volume (CAV) ventilation systems. The simulation systems have been modelled on a modular form, they are generally very detailed and comprehensive, and they have shown to be able to provide very realistic results compared to real world conditions.

Air-distribution system analysis - Air filter associated fan energy consumption in variable air volume systems

The paper describes three methods for determination of the fan energy consumption associated to air filter : the hourly method (calculation of the hourly fan power), the segment method (lifespan filter-associated fan energy), the BIN method (estimation of annual filter-associated fan energy). etailed filter installing date and detailed hourly AHU system simulation.
These methods allow in particular to estimate the filter-associated fan energy consumption and the life-cycle cost of filters.

Guidance and tools for chilled ceilings combined with a wet cooling tower

The combination of an open wet cooling tower with chilled ceilings is a CFC free, cheap and low energy cooling solution. The efficiency of this alternative to mechanical cooling is very dependent on climate. There is a need for specific tools to help designers to size the system and to estimate its energy and water consumption. A building simulation tool, called ConsoClim, has been used to predict the performance of this system for different French climatic locations, thermal inertia, internal loads and solar gains.
