This paper discusses the measurement of air infiltration rates and reports on measurements relating indoor and outdoor aerosol size distributions in the 0.01 to 1 micron size range.
A tracer gas technique has been used for evaluation and characterization of air flow pattern of contaminants penetrating into buildings. As a tracer, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) was used and detected by a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector. SF6 was released at suspected points of contaminants origin at a constant flow rate and was detected quantitatively in the room or laboratory of concern.
Three different types of methods for estimating ventilation rates in residences have been presented and the results of each method discussed. Field measurement experiences have helped to identify the potential errors of these methods. To date, the best correlations obtained have been between theconstant emission tracer methods involving perfluorocarbon and tracer gases. It is expected that a better understanding of the parameters that affect all of the techniques, specifically mixing volume, will lead to improved accuracy.
An automated 10-point air sampling network which uses an electron capture detector gas chromatograph to continuously measure changes in sulfur hexafluoride tracer concentration in a residential environment will be described. The injection of the tracer is controlled by a microprocessor which decides to inject sulfur hexafluoride tracer to return its concentration to a preprogrammed set point. Infiltration rates from fan induced pressurization will be compared to the infiltration rates as reported from the replacement of sulfur hexafluoride tracer.
As part of a study to evaluate the effects of home weatherization on indoor air quality, a tracer gas method to determine infiltration rates was developed by modifying existing methods to meet several project constraints. A method was needed
For optimum building design it is of importance to investigate the comfort and the energy conservation obtained with different types of ventilation systems and levels of airtightness of buildings. This could be achieved by aid of computer models based on full-scale and model measurements. In order to obtain experimental data as input data to such a computer model, an experimental, detached one-family house has been built near to Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast.
Ventilation efficiency was measured with freon gas in 3 large industrial buildings under normal working conditions. Size of building varied from 3000 to 10000 m2 and room height from 5-19 m. The ventilation systems were of 3 types: 1. Overhead fresh air supply network with conventional air inlets, 2. Fresh air supply direct to occupied zones by a low impulse system, and 3. Overhead fresh air supply distributed by the Dirivent system. Describes techniques of tracer gas measurements. Illustrates some results in graphs.
A major pathway for loss of conditioned air in East Tennessee homes with externally located heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems is leakage in the ductwork. The average infiltration rate, as measured by Freon-12 trace
When indoor air concentrations from indoor combustion processes are estimated, source strengths and ventilation rates are usually considered. Recent studies, conducted in the Energy Research House at Iowa State University, indicate that seve
The effectiveness of range hoods and window fans in removing indoor pollutants is considered. Tests were conducted in a two-room test space with an infiltration rate less than 0.1 hr-1 using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. Range hood te