Erfahrungsbericht zur Luftdichte von Reinräumen Vorstellung eines Normentwurfs

Eine aktuelle Studie der Universität Utrecht weist nach, dass gegen Antibiotika resistente Bakterienstämme, so genannte MRSA-Krankenhauskeime, durch die Luft übertragen werden können. Bisher galt nur die direkte Übertragung, also durch Kontakt Mensch/Mensch oder Tier/Mensch, als Übertragungsweg. Der Nachweis der Übertragung durch die Luft zeigt, dass das bakterielle Gefährdungspotenzial wesentlich höher ist als bisher angenommen. Umso wichtiger ist die Überprüfung der Luftdichtheit von Reinräumen im klinischen Bereich.

Weltgrößter Blower-Door-Test ?


Zertifizierung der Messtechniker für Gebäudeluftdichtheit in Italien

Seit kurzem wurde in Italien die offizielle Akkreditierung zum Messtechniker „RINA“ (entspricht TÜV in Italien) eingeführt, um die Basisqualifizierung von Gebäudeluftdichtheits-Messtechniker zu garantieren.

Airtightness of buildings and ductwork: The TightVent Europe platform

Building and ductwork airtightness represent a key challenge towards very-low energy buildings and therefore towards the ambitious 2020 targets set in the recast of the energy performance of buildings directive.

Determining required air flow rates in large buildings – discussion of reference values

This presentation will give an introduction to the approach of determining the required number of testing fans when conducting air tightness measurements of large buildings. From experience in testing practice and recording measurement results, we know that large buildings regularly achieve significantly better test results than required by German regulations. To share our experience, we will present these good test results to start a discussion as to which limits of air tightness in large buildings can be considered adequate. 

Field Determination of Water Penetration of Windows using Blowerdoor and Infrared Camera

The manufactures tests of windows in Europe are executed in accordance with the CE-directive. Air- and water tightness testing are performed in accordance with EN 1026 and classified in accordance with EN12207. Air- and water leakage measurements are performed under laboratory conditions using a test chamber and accurately air- and water flow and pressure difference.

Experiences in air permeability: round-robin tests in Germany by FLiB e. V.

The Association for Air Tightness in Buildings (FLiB e.V.) offers air tightness testing teams the possibility to check their testing performance as well as that of their equipment. Round-robin tests allow the participants to conduct independent air-tightness tests in a building organized by the association.

Pressure distribution and reflow paths with BlowerDoor measurements of large buildings

During the BlowerDoor building test, it must be ensured that all building parts of the test building or the test section have air connection, and that the test object can be considered one single zone. This also applies to large buildings like office buildings, schools, indoor pools, etc. with several floors and winding floor plans. Overly tight airflow paths from the leakages to the measuring device prevent an even pressure distribution.

A round-robin test of Czech airtightness test providers

The round-robin test of Czech airtightness providers was organised in order to obtain information about the measurement equipment generally used and in order to compare the test results given by different technicians operating with different devices. All the participants measured the same building under very similar conditions. The preparation of the building before the measurement and the calculation of the building reference values were done by the organisers. All the test results were evaluated according to EN 13829.

Airtightness networks

The contribution informs about the foundation of a professional network of Czech airtightness test providers and gives basic information about the organisation and activities of this association.An idea of closer cooperation between Czech building airtightness test providers has existed for several years. (one outcome of such activities is e.g. a database of test results – see Novak (2009)).
