Air flow through an open door. Luchtstromingen door een open deur.

An earlier paper gave the flow to be expected through an open door from theoretical considerations. Describes model tests designed to check these theoretical predictions. The model used was 6.3% of full size and water was used instead of air for the flow medium. Concludes there is reasonably good agreement between model and theory.

Air leakage measurements by the tracer dilution method - A review.

Discusses the tracer dilution method for measuring air change rates. The technique entails introducing small amounts of tracer gas into a building and measuring the rate of change in tracer concentration. Describes the method and compares different tracer gases. Outline ways of obtaining an estimate of the air infiltration from experimental data. An appendix discusses the errors in the procedure.

Moisture interactions in light frame housing: A review.

Notes that altering interior moisture content of a building can influence both energy use and other performance characteristics. Gives an assessment of the moisture interaction as related to health and comfort of the occupants, fire safety, durability and maintainability and design and construction of light-frame housing. Reviews published recommendations.

Air infiltration: A review of some existing measurement techniques and data.

Reviews the state of the art in the measurement of ventilation and air infiltration. Considers tracer gas techniques and discusses some of the tracer gases used as well as some of the potential sources of error. Also discusses fan pressurization-evacuation procedures for measuring building tightness and compares fan and tracer measurements. Discusses the ASHRAE crack method.

Internal pressure characteristics of low-rise buildings due to wind action.

Reports wind tunnel measurements of the wind-induced internal pressures of models of low-rise buildings of different geometry and internal volume. Three different uniform porosities (0.0 0.5 and 3.0% of the total surface area) have been examined in combination with openings in a wall ranging from 0 to 100% of that wall's area. Two terrain roughnesses were used corresponding to open country and suburban regions.< Finds that internal pressures are variable but generally lower than local external pressures.

Tightness of facades and roofs. Etancheite des facades et des toitures.

Reports study of wind and rain over fifteen years and gives table of results. Reports measurements of wind pressure and driving rain on buildings. Discusses laboratory measurements of the tightness of facade elements under pressures of up to 50 Pa. and with temperature differences of -40 to +30 deg.C. across the facade. Describes pressurization of buildings and gives results of measurements in test dwellings. Discusses movement of joints in buildings and describes measurement of this movement.< Discusses permeability of both flat and sloping roofs.

The diffusion of particulate and gaseous air pollution in a pellet plant. Ausbreitung von Staub -und gasformigen luftverunreinigungen in einer Pelletfabrik.

Air velocities, air temperatures and dust and fluoride concentrations were measured in a burning shop of a pellet plant. The results show that there is a clear relationship between the air velocities, air temperatures and airpollution concentrations. The air flow pattern consists of an air current which rises above the burning machine as a result of convection and escapes through roof grates. Air is supplied through facade grates. The transport of air and polluting substances, especially in the cross direction of the hallindicates the influence of the wind.

Problems and consequences of the pressurization test for the air leakage of houses.

Briefly describes method for pressure testing a house. Discusses problems and limitations of method. Discusses results of 130 (de)pressurization tests carried out in dwellings in the Netherlands. Gives results of the distribution of air leakage in four houses found by measuring the leakage of all components separately.

New regulations on radiation in buildings. Nya bestammelser om stralning i byggnader.

Tests carried out during the sixties and seventies showed that there was a correlation between lung cancer and the existence of radon gas in mines and that there was radon gas in homes built of aerated concrete based on slate. This led to political activity with regulations for limits on emanation in new, re-built and existing buildings. Provisions were also made for grants to help house owners finance the improvements specified.< In the new bye-laws, SBN 80, gamma radiation is not to exceed 50 mu.R/h, the radon content is not to exceed an annual mean of 70 Bq/cu.m.

Criteria for retrofit materials and products for weatherization of residences.

Notes that many existing dwellings are inadequately insulated and in need of caulking and weatherstripping. Gives criteria for the selection of retrofit materials which are eligible for the Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program. Materials discussed are insulation, storm windows and doors, caulks and sealants, weatherstripping, vapour barriers, clock thermostats and replacement windows. Discusses the literature on retrofitting. Describes the different caulks and sealants available. Outlines precautions to be taken when applying different retrofit materials.
