
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The aim of the study is to quantify the traffic generated particle number concentration levels (PM2.5; PMwith diameter ? 2.5?m) at various heights of a typical high-rise building in close proximity to a majorexpressway in Singapore.
Cheong, K.W.D.; Balasubramanian, R.; Kalaiarasan, M.
The selection of design solar irradiance in the current ASHRAE and CIBSE design handbooks isindependent on design dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures.
Chen, Y.; Chen, T.; Yik, F.W.H.
This paper gave an overview of the past and present applications of various Computational FluidDynamics (CFD) methods for indoor environment modeling.
Chen, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Zuo, W.
The energy performance of solar-control film on single window glass is analyzed through in-siteexperiment measurement.
Chen, Y.; Hou, Q.; Xie, H.; Chan, W.
This paper discusses how the consumption pattern of occupants and architectural design of buildingsaffect the building energy consumption. An overview of the building energy consumptions in Hong Kongis presented.
Chao, C.Y.H.; Kwong, P.C.W.
Due to a variety of influence factors, outside dry-bulb temperature takes on a systematic and randomfluctuation. If a deterministic model is used to forecast the dry-bulb temperature, the predicted resultoften has a rough accuracy.
Cao, S.
University dormitory is a kind of representative building in which central heating is supplied.
Cao, B.; Zhu, Y.; Zhou, X.; Xiao, H.
District cooling system (DCS) is a mass-scale production of chilled water generated at a central andremote chiller plant.
Chan, A.L.S.; Hanby, V.I.; Chow, T.T.
Architectural design is becoming each day a more complex process while it seeks to embrace thevarious aspects of sustainability.
Cadima, P.
Recently, products of chemical reaction have been at issue as the topic of research on Indoor AirQuality. In this study, the emission mechanism of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (2E1H) is studied.
Chino, S.; Kato, S.; Seo, J.; Ataka, Y.
In hot and humid climates, desiccant air-conditioning systems have been suggested as suitable forimproving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Generally as dehumidification devices, various types of silica gelrotor have been used to control humidity.
Cho, W.; Kato, S.; Ooka, R.; Tsay, Y.; Koganei, M.; Shoda, N.; Kawamoto, K.
When a building is used only for intermittent occupancy, continuous operation of ventilation system isnot necessary for achieving good indoor air quality during the occupation periods.
El Mankibi, M.
The buildings sector offers the greatest potential for cost-effective reductions in greenhouse gasemissions out of all the sectors examined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.However that potential was based purely on technical measu
de Dear, R.
Confined environments are indoor spaces which are not ventilated or few ventilated due to specific use (shelters, submarines …).
Courtey, S.; Blondeau, P.; Allard, F.
The paper describes the numerical simulation of a novel ventilation cooling system.
Dabidian, N.; Etheridge, D.
The paper reports the first results of research carried out at the Department of Design and BuildingConstruction of the University of Palermo analysing the problems related to the design of sustainablebuilding envelopes in the Mediterranean Basin.
Corrao, R.. Balsamo, V.; Calabro, G.; Di Stefano, R.; Giordano, D.; Spera, O.
This work deals with the evaluation of the performances of phase change materials (PCMs) coupledwith a ventilated ceiling system in order to reduce summer cooling loads and improve the internalcomfort in buildings, thus enhancing the positive effe
Corgnati, S.P.; Kindins, A.; Perino, M.
The indoor air quality management of the public places is gaining wide attention in Korea, because theindoor air quality of the public places are obliged to satisfy the guidelines suggested by Korean Ministryof Environment.
Cho, Y.; Kwon, S.B.; Park, D.S.
This work examines the applicability of comfort criteria, based on a heat balance model and on anadaptive model, in naturally ventilated classrooms.
Corgnati, S.; Ansaldi, R.; Filippi, M.
Longitudinal ventilation systems are commonly installed in new tunnels in big cities of the Far Eastincluding Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Many tunnels are found and some of them areinclined at an angle to the horizontal.
Chow, W.K.; Chung, W.Y.
