
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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There is an obvious and indisputable need for an increase in the efficiency of energyutilisation in buildings. Heating, cooling and lighting appliances in buildings account for morethan one third of the worlds primary energy demand.
Schmidt, D.
This paper is devoted to the development of a decision support system that could assist districtheating authorities in strategic management of their asset.
Ouarghi, R.; Beccera, K.; Bourges, B.
New distributed simulation environment has been used to simulate the energy flows in a simple case community consisting of four buildings, power plant and a district heating network.
Shemeikka, J.; Klobut, K.; Heikkinen, J.; Sipilä, K.; Rämä, M.
The district heating system should be accepted as a technical system, functionally and workable to provide heat for thermo technical needs of a higher number of different and connected us ers being located on a wider area usually in urban environm
Siljak, M.S.
Fuel cells offer an environmentally sound, distributed energy source for individual buildings.Many governments believe that security and sustainability of energy supply can be improvedwith this technology.
Rosenberg, R.; Valkiainen, M.; Klobut, K.; Kiviaho, J.; Ihonen, J.
This paper presents an established sustainable and integrated design methodology for theefficient heating and cooling of individual buildings and complexes.
Klemes, J.; Perry, S.J.; Bulatov, I.
Multi-energy sources, for heating and cooling purposes, are considered to have a large potential in contributing to the penetration of renewable energy sources for domestic, building and industrial applications.
Thonon, B.
In the context of current promotion of Distributed Generation (DG), micro Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems for single or small ensembles of (residential) buildings are seen advantageous to combine both decentralized generation and rather high
Matics, J.; Krost, G.
PREA is a joint project between four European Universities and three African Universities aswell as the International Solar Energy Society (ISES), an international NGO, that promotesrenewable energy.
Muller, H.F.O.; Byabato, K.
The specific features of natural ventilation system combined with solar chimney andunderground pit installed in a new school building and the measured results for four years aredescribed.
Shinada, Y.; Kimura, K.-i.; Katsuragi, H.; Song, S.-k.
Global climatic warming trends are becoming more and more obvious. They are characterizedby longer and more intense heat wave periods as witnessed in extreme by the summers 2003and 2006.
Frank, T.; Güttinger, H.; van Velsen, S.
Many naturally ventilated building designs rely on buoyancy (or “stack effect”) and night cooling of the structure. It is well known that for an exposed building, even mild winds can produce pressures well above those due to stack effect.
Banks, D.; Scott, T.
Within the Polish - Norwegian project SUREBILD (Sustainable Redevelopment of Buildings) special attention was paid to find the economically feasible technologies that might improve current poor indoor air quality in Polish schools.
Sowa, J.; Karas, A.
In the SARS epidemics in 2003, cluster of cases occurred in high-rise residential(HRR) building blocks, especially in Hong Kong, which gave rise to the concern of the possible roles of air flow.
Niu, J.; Tung, T.
The article shows methods for wind influence on building ventilation systems analysis.Solution has been carried out through the experiment in wind tunnel as well as by CFDmodelling.
Kabrhel, M.; Jirsák, M.; Bittner, M.; Kabele, K.; Zachoval, D.
The density of Dhaka is increasing exponentially, and with it the demand for residentialaccommodation. Rapid densification is increasing hard surfaces and changing the urbantexture, thereby escalating heat absorption.
Ahmed, Z.N.; Roy, G.S.
This research proposes a simple device added to a window. The device improves indoorventilation using solar heat.
Yoshikawa, K.; Nobe, T.
This paper presents a new design concept of hybrid air conditioning system by using aportable air conditioner to achieve a better personal control of indoor environment withoutsacrificing the responsibility to a sustainable environment.
Chiang, H.-C.; Hsu, H.-C.; Yang, B.-C.; Hu, Y.-Z.
Recently, the ventilation for the removal of pollutants has received much attention in responseto the increased needs for the health and better comforts of the occupants in apartmenthousing.
Won, J.-S.; Kim, T.-Y.; Leigh, S.-B.
In order to compare measurements and subjective votes on thermal comfort in a nonconditionedindoor environment under German climate conditions, a field survey was carriedout in an office and laboratory building in Karlsruhe during July 2005.
Wagner, A.; Moosmann, C.; Gropp, T.; Gossauer, E.
