
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper presents the results of a study to determine the thermal comfort requirements ofthe occupants in Iranian hospitals.
Khodakarami, J.; Knight, I.
Today, especially in the developed industrialised nations, we have a high standard of foodsupply for the population. In these societies people are asking increasingly how and underwhich conditions their foods are produced.
Müller, H.-J.; Brunsch, R.
This paper presents results from a principal component analysis (PCA) on variables affecting on indoor air quality in newly established buildings, in which low-emitting, classified building materials were used.
Järnström, H.; Saarela, K.; Kalliokoski, P.; Pasanen, A.-L.
The European research project Innovative Sensor System for Measuring Perceived AirQuality and Brand Specific Odours (SysPAQ) is started under the VIth frameworkprogramme under the work programme New and Emerging Science and Technology(NEST PATHFIN
Birgit Müller, Arne Dahms, Dirk Müller, Henrik N. Knudsen, Alireza Afshari , Pawel Wargocki, Bjarne Olesen, Birgitta Berglund, Olivier Ramalho, Joachim Goschnick, Oliver Jann, Wolfgang Horn, Daniel Nesa, Eric Chanie, Mika Ruponen
Bake-out of buildings is believed to have a potential to reduce indoor air pollution caused byVOCs and formaldehyde emitted from building materials although controversial discussionshave been suggested.
Dong-Hwa Kang, Eun-Young Park, Dong-Hee Choi, Min-Ki Sung, Seung-Min Lee, Sueng-Jae Lee, You-Sun Min, Myoung-Souk Yeo and Kwang-Woo Kim
In this report, we proposed the estimation method of building material properties by usingboth numerical analysis and measuring the time history of concentration in micro cell, andshowed that the effective diffusion coefficient, emission rate and
Takigasaki, K.; Ito, K.
Recently in Korea, plywood has been widely used as a floor material for Korean floor heatingsystems (Ondol) instead of the conventional oiled floor paper.
Seungki Pang, Kahee Kim, Hyun Cho, Woojae Kim , Jongmoon Choi, Jongin Lee and Chul Lee
Phthalates are ubiquitous contaminants in indoor environments, and are reported to causeadverse health effects. Due to their semi-volatile nature, phthalate samples require a multisteppreparation before quantification with GC-MS.
Korpi, A.; Puttonen, K.; Mäkinen, M.; Pasanen, P.
Gaseous emission - CO2, NO, and NOx of gas stove has significant and harmful effect on indoorair quality (IAQ) in residential kitchens. To avoid increasing health risk it is essential touse mechanical ventilation such as kitchen hood.
Kajtár, L.; Leitner, A.
The impact of common building materials interaction on perceived air quality related to airchange level was studied. The methods of chemical analysis (TVOC) and subjective sensoryassessment was used.
Bucakova, M.; Senitkova, I.
The potential for reactions among indoor pollutants to generate reactive and highly irritatingproducts is a reason to maintain adequate ventilation rates and clean ventilation filters.Terpenoid (from recirculated air, a scenario common in the trop
Fadeyi, M.O.; Tham, K.W.
This paper shows first results of an ongoing research project, which aims to develop a transfermodel to link the odor intensity with the perceived air quality assessments.
Panaskova, J.; Bitter, F.; Müller, D.
In the german research project a method had been developed and tested, which enables thesimple and safe integration of sensory tests into current test procedures under the AgBBscheme (see below).
Kasche, J.; Dhams, A.; Horn, W.; Jann, O.; Müller, D.
In the present study Multi gas-sensor systems (MGSS) are used to evaluate the odor intensityas it is perceived by humans. These systems measure volatile compounds in a holistic mannerand present a signal pattern of the air sample.
Bitter, F.; Müller, D.
The printers emit the chemical compound when its temperature rises during normal operations. And it primarily influenced the chemical concentrations such as formaldehyde and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in a living space.
Yoon, D.W.; Hong, S.M.; Kang, H.S.; Kim, H.J.; Kim, J.H.
Emissions and odors from different common indoor surface materials (waste woodenproducts, vinyl, linoleum, carpet, gypsum board, paint, wall coating materials etc.) wereinvestigated within this study.
Bucakova, M.; Sehnalova, V.; Senitkova, I.
The article deals with air parameters in building exterior and interior. External air temperatureis the most important air parameter in the exterior. The temperature is influenced by local areaparameters.
Kabrhel, M.; Dolezilkova, H.
The following article presents a method that outlines how to effectively construct buildingsthat emit only minimal concentrations of harmful airborne substances.
Coutalides, R.; Heinss, U.; Thalmann, P.; Koller, S.
The paper shows the life cycle of a low-energy detached house from the viewpoint of CO2-emissions.
Rabenseifer, R.
Already 20 years ago, Gro Harlem Brundlandt stated «I believe the time has come for higher expectations, […] for an increased political will to address our common future» ([1], p. 13).
Mennel, S.; Menti, U.-P.; Notter, G.
