
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The discussions around the implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) [1] – not only in national legislation but also in real practice – have revealed open questions and caused different interpretations.
Railio, J.
This study investigated the impacts of lifestyle in terms of family patterns, life schedules and climate factors upon household energy consumption, as well as to unfold the main causes of household energy consumption under various climatic lifesty
Fong, W.-K.; Matsumoto, H.; Lun, Y.-F.; Kimura, R.
In this paper insight is given in the potentials for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, specifically when applied to the built environment in the Netherlands.
Opstelten, I.; Bakker, E.-J.; Kester, J.; Borsboom, W.; Elkhuizen, B.
The energy utilization of a country can be evaluated using exergy analysis, which is a way to asustainable development, to gain insights into its efficiency.
Hepbasli, A.; Utlu, Z.
The climate in southern Brazil is characterised by mild winters and hot-humid summerswhich requires the design to be adaptable to the often conflicting summer and winterrequirements.
Costella, M.
The paper presents a comparative study among six different solutions regarding the energysupply of a high-tech building.
Bianchi, A.-M.; Ciobanas, A.; Baltaretu, F.
HVAC load weighs a large portion of overall building energy consumption. A low storeybuilding of 20,000m2 floor area adopted a task ambient conditioning system (TAC) to reduceHVAC load while maintaining work environment.
Sasaki, M.; Yanai, T.; Akimoto, T.
The energy consumption and indoor temperature of 9 housing units sited in the northern region of Honshu Island, Japan were investigated for a full two years from Dec. 2002 to Nov. 2004.
Yoshino, H.; Sugawara, H.; Xie, J.; Mitamura, T.; Chiba, T.; Hasegawa, K.-i.; Genjo, K.
The construction of a building with an optimized thermal and energy performance and anaccordingly low energy demand does not necessarily require higher investment costs.
Hofer, G.; Grim, M.
The European research project “EULEB – European high quality Low Energy Buildings” intends to provide information about good examples of energy efficient buildings in use, in order to reduce prejudices and lack of knowledge of many key actors of t
Schlenger, J.; Müller, H.
The ICEO Project quantifies the thermal and electrical energy consumption in hospitals of an Italian region (Lazio Region).
D'Alessandro, D.; Coppola, M.; Chiarello, P.
We investigate optimal supervisory control of a building energy system with cogeneration of heat and power (CHP). The system consists of a Stirling engine and a supplementary burner, space heating and a domestic hot water (DHW) storage tank.
Gähler, C.; Gwerder, M.; Lamon, R.; Tödtli, J.
A more efficient use of energy in the built environment is absolutely necessary.
Torio, H.; Schmidt, D.
This paper presents the basic parameters and energy flows of an aquifer thermal energystorage (ATES) system combined with reversible water/water heat pumps used for heatingand cooling the new hospital Klina (Antwerp Belgium).
Desmedt, J.; Hoes, H.; Robeyn, N.
Object of the R&D activities of the last 2 years was the development of the new generation ofa stationary low temperature PEM fuel cell system (operating temperature max.
Arnold, J.; Krause, H.; Grosser, K.; Beckmann, F.; Hildebrandt, C.; Theuring, S.; Thieme, S.
In this paper, we present the economic analysis of a solid-oxide fuel-cell (SOFC) micro-cogeneration plant in a single-family low-energy house in Finland.
Alanne, K.; Vesanen, T.; Keränen, H.; Vuolle, M.
This paper presents an established sustainable and integrated design methodology for theefficient heating and cooling of individual buildings and complexes.
Klemes, J.; Perry, S.J.; Bulatov, I.
This paper gives an overview of selected Micro CHP technologies and products with thefocus on Stirling and steam machines.
Kuhn, V.; Klemes, J.; Bulatov, I.
The issue of sustainability has been prevailed not only in building industry but also all otherindustries. It has been raised that the concept of green building system should be taken intoaccount for the design of buildings.
Cho, J.; Kim, B.S.; Lim, T.; Lee, M.
Nowadays no energy source should exist without regulation to ensure its efficient use. Theregulation can be quantitative, qualitative or combined. This article compares the utilizationof geothermal well in two situations.
Tóthová, V.; Takács, J.
