
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this article the concept of a new energy-efficient office building and results of a 3-year monitoring are described. The monitoring was performed within the German funding pro-gramme EnOB [1].
Kleber, M.; Wagner, A.
The performance of “hybrid controlled” trickle ventilators, that is background ventilators whose opening area depends upon both the pressure difference across the vent and the relative humidity of the room air, are investigated by means of compute
Ridley, I.; Davies, M.; Mumovic, D.; Oreszczyn, T.
The fungal index is a biological climate-parameter, which represents the environmental capacity toallow fungal growth.
Abe, K.; Kawakami, Y.; Hamano, T.; Imai, Y.; Iso, K.
Many homes in New Zealand are poorly constructed and maintained for the climate with inadequateheating resulting in winter temperatures that frequently fall below the World Health Organisationrecommended level of 18C.
Gillespie-Bennett, J.; Pierse, N.; Wickens, K.; Crane, J.; Viggers, H.; Nicholls, S.; Howden-Chapman, P.
Methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have been applied to predict the details of air,contaminant and thermal transport within isolated building zones, yet zone transport processes do notoccur in isolation they result from and interact wi
Axley, J.W.
Recent studies suggest the reactions between ozone and indoor materials and contaminants caninfluence human health and perceived indoor air quality within a building. This analysis uses datafrom the U.S.
Apte, M.; Buchanan, I.; Mendell, M.; Mirer, A.
To achieve the Kyoto Protocol target, additional measures for reducing GHGs from the building sectoris a strong requirement in Japan.
Aozasa, K.; Murakami, S.; Sadohara, S.; Ichikawa, T.; Kuzuki, R.; Hasegawa, I.
Methods are needed for the evaluation of the energy performance of complete buildings and parts ofbuildings or building installations.
Andersson, M.; Elmroth, A.
Houses which use only electricity are becoming popular in Japan. Electromagnetic ranges (IH range)are used in those houses. The updraft above an IH range is slower than a gas range.
Akabayashi, S.; Sakaguchi, J.
Experiments using human subjects have been conducted to investigate the physiological andpsychological responses to two different heating methods, i.e. floor heating and air conditioner, in ahighly insulated house.
Akimoto, T.; Emura, K.; Tsuchikawa, T.; Saito, T.
As presented by the Energy Green Paper “A European Strategy for a sustainable, competitive and Secure Energy” (1), Europe has entered a new energy era. Global demand is increasing within a framework of high and unstable prices.
Allard, F.
In recent years, occupants conduct various behaviors in the appurtenant dressing room, so it isimportant to know the amount of modern moisture production in the appurtenant dressing room.Investigation data showed amount of moisture production caus
Aizawa, Y.; Tanabe, S.; Yokoo, K.; Watanabe, K.; Amai, H,
The present paper is a review on methods and technologies for air cleaning from micro organisms andviruses, which are applicable with the present HVAC practices.
Bolashikov, Z.D.; Melikov, A.K.
In this paper, a new experimental method for measuring thermal conductivity and thermal partitioncoefficient for building materials is presented.
Bodalal, A.; Haghighat, F.
High local concentrations of a pollutant can be the result of high local emission rates of the pollutant orinsufficient ventilation.
Bjorling, M.; Stymne, H.; Mattsson, M.; Blomqvist, C.
Goal of the study is the system analysis and after that the complex analysis of the renewableenergy sources and cogeneration (CHP) including fuel cells. The process of the analysis consistsseveral steps.
Beranovsky, J.; Knapek, J.; Vasicek, J.; Kalcev, P.; Hudcova, L.; Kasparova, M.; Lukavec, D.; Vochoc, L.; Dvorsky, E., Safranek, J.; Benes, M.
Until the end of 90-ties all dwelling buildings in Latvia were equipped with mandatory natural ventilationsystems with stack effect.
Borodinecs, A.; Kreslins, A.; Dzelzitis, E.; Krumins, A.
In this present study, annual exceedance probability (AEP) analysis was applied as the method forassessing wind-driven natural ventilation in a street canyon, in which the effects of wind approachingfrom each direction were comprehensively taken i
Bu, Z.; Kato, S.; Ishida, Y.; Huang, H.
As highly insulated and airtight houses have built popularly, the problem which indoor air becomes lowhumidity in winter, is paid attention.
Chiba, T.; Sakurai, Y.; Huibo, Z.; Takaki, R.; Yun, S.; Yoshino, H.
A push-pull fume cupboard shown is an innovative device to remove pollutants from a fume cupboardto the outdoor environment.
Chern, M.J.; Cheng, W.Y.
