
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The large advancement in the market of building materials and of HVAC systems leads to a wide variety of technical solutions that can be employed to build an efficient low energy commercial building.The comparison between different combinations of
Filfli, S.; Marchio, D.
In order to improve life quality into buildings, the present paper proposes a certification model for indoor total comfort.The first part of the paper concerns energy certification of buildings, with attention to energy efficiency, renewable sourc
Cotana, F.; Goretti, M.
Specialist researchers, property owners, builders and building managers have togetherdeveloped a quality assurance (QA) management scheme that considers indoor environmentand energy use.
Wahlström, A.; Nielsen, J.R.; Ruud, S.; Törnström, T.
Both on European and national scale, standards are now being drawn to extend to summer airconditioning the evaluation of energy requirement in building-plant systems.
Gastaldello, A.; Schibuola, L.
A systematic method for assessing and improving indoor environment quality (IEQ) isdeveloped for existing and occupied office buildings. The method begins with an occupantsatisfaction survey that is directed to everyone working in a building.
Takki, T.; Virta, M.
Regulatory devices for the energy efficiency of buildings currently in use, including the new EU “Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings” [1] and especially the methods currently proposed in the various member states to determine and jud
Cody, B.
This paper describes the production of the Customer Advising Tool (CAT), a piece of software to help assess the potential for reducing the cooling demand of Office buildings, as required by Article 9 of the EPBD.
Knight, I.; de Souza, C.B.; Alexandre, J.-L.; Marsh, A.
In order to reduce the energy consumptions, it is urgent to be focused on existing buildings.The answer is how to determine priorities of interventions on a building to be renovated.
Flory-Celini, C.; Virgone, J.; Covalet, D.; Lips, B.
There are about 16 millions building in Turkey. The total energy consumption of these buildings is approximately 3.48x105 GJ.
Cakmanus, I.
The need for higher productivity to match the growing competition has forced employers to look for better Indoor Work Environments.
Karthik, P.; Ranjit prakash, S.; Kalaiselvam, S.
Due to high-rise residential buildings and extension of balcony, to resolve discomfort ofindoor-environment and the problem which energy consumption increases, high-riseresidential buildings, coming natural ventilation and decreasing expense of an
Ga- young Cho, Cho-rong Kim, Sun-woo Lee, Chang-Seob Park, M young-souk Yeo, Kwang-woo Kim
Venetian blind can have a major impact on building energy use and occupant's comfort. Butmanual or motorized Venetian blind has limitations in meeting occupants needs and inreducing energy consumption.
Ji-Hyun Kim, Kyoung-Wn Yang, Young-Joon Park, Kyung-Hee Lee, Myoung-Souk Yeo, Kwang-Woo Kim
The trend to reduce energy losses through enclosures (walls and windows) is an increasingly important part of improving the energy efficiency of a building.
Urbikain, M.K.; Mvuama, M.C.; García Gáfaro, C.; Sala Lizarraga, J.M.
In this study, a numerical analysis has been performed to examine the natural convection heattransfer and flow field inside a saltbox roof with eave in winter day conditions.
Koca, A.; Oztop, H.F.; Varol, Y.
In the practical applications, roofs of buildings can be in different shapes depending onarchitectural design of building or climate. Some of these building roofs can be classified asgambrel, saltbox and gable roofs.
Koca, A.; Oztop, H.F.; Varol, Y.
In order to get an accurate knowledge of the energy consumption of buildings and ofcomfort parameters inside of closed rooms depending on the time, we developed amathematical model.
Vajda, J.
Because we spend most of our time in enclosed spaces, demand in thermal comfort ofbuildings rose increasingly and then energy consumption correspondingly is increased,aggravating the pollution of natural environment.
Kuznik, F.; Virgone, J.; Lepers, S.
Not long ago the ASHRAE Technical Committee on Load Calculation, TC 4.1, had a “bake off’ of sorts between different peak air-conditioning load calculation schemes and programs.
Hittle, D.C.; Simmonds, P.
Ventilated façades have become an increasingly employed feature in the design of low energy buildings over recent years in that they offer the attractive features of a conventional glass façade but without the thermal disadvantages.
Mei, L.; Loveday, D.L.; Infield, DG.; Hanby, V.; Cook, M.; Li, Y.; Holmes, M.; Bates, J.
A multiple film based daylight control system for window has been developed to maintain theilluminance level at task plane.
Garg, V.; Shiralkar, D.; Rao, P.
