
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this paper air distribution solutions aiming to lower air velocities and good temperature control arestudied by measurements in 6 schools and temperature simulations.
Kurnitski, J.; Aalto, M.
Relative humidity is one of the most important parameters which have an influence on human comfortand indoor air quality. Materials exposed to the air can absorb and desorb moisture and thereforeinfluence the relative humidity level.
Kwiatkowski, J.; Feret, K.; Woloszyn, M.; Roux, J.J.
Natural ventilation is a commonly used principle when ventilation systems for buildings are designed.The ventilation can either be obtained by automatically controlled openings in the building envelope, orit can just be the simple action of openin
Larsen, T.S.; Heiselberg, P.
The increasing incidence of airborne transmitted diseases indoors has prompted the attention ofstudying expiratory droplet dispersion and transport in built environments.
Lai, A.C.K.
Succeeding to the experimental investigations in the two test rooms at FhG the results provide for acommon exercise in context of the IEA-Annex 41 project to validate several simulation tools.
Lengsfeld, K.; Holm, A.; Krus, M.
It is of significant importance that heat, humidity and air contents are well balanced in buildings, as animbalance of these factors may have a decisive effect on the construction as well as on the residents, forexample damage to the building stru
Lengsfeld, K.; Holm, A.; Krus, M.
This study compared the concentrations of indoor air pollutants identified from the 5 restaurantsincluding a category A (two Korean barbecue houses) during a lunch time period and a category B(one Japanese, one Chinese, and one Italian restaurants
Lee, B.K.; Jeong, U.R.; Dong, T.T.T.
Working with volatile chemicals creates numerous hazards for scientists in laboratory.
Lee, S.K.; Lin, S.Y.; Ko, T.C.; Teng, M.C.
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) uses UVC radiation produced by low pressure Hg vapor lampsto control biological air contaminants.
Lau, J.; Bahnfleth, W.; Freihaut, J.
For most sunny climates, the presence of high thermal loads due to the effect of solar radiationreinforces the need to protect the glazing in the facades and skylights.
Lainez, J.M.C.
This paper reviews the scenarios developed for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) analysis.
Levine, M.D.
A questionnaire survey of urban Osaka apartment residents elicited data related to the use of airconditioners, portals, and electric fans as means of bearing summer heat.
Lin, X.; Umemiya, N.
In 2003, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) adopted 15 standard skies that cover thewhole probable spectrum of usual skies found in the world.
Li, D.H.W.; Tang, H.L.; Wong, S.L.; Tsang, E.K.W.; Cheung, G.H.W.; Lam, T.N.T.
Energy tariff is a major cost in hotel operation. Effective use of energy can reduce operationalexpenditures and has important environmental benefits.
Li, D.H.W.; Mak, A.H.L.; Chan, W.C.; Mak, B.L.; Chen, Y.M.; Xie, H.R.; Hou, G.Q.
The performance of indoor airflow for the office room with the hybrid air-conditioning system has beeninvestigated by means of CFD analysis.
Lim, E.; Sagara, K.; Yamanaka, T.; Kotani, H.; Mishima, N.; Horikawa, S.; Ushio, T.
The Korean Ministry of Construction and Transportation(MOCT) has imported the Intelligent BuildingCertification Program(IBCP) to grant certification by evaluating the standard of Intelligent buildings(IB).The purpose of this research is to introdu
Lim, S.; Jo, H.; Yu, J.; Lee, H.; Song, I.
In the study of indoor and outdoor thermal environment, the analysis and calculation for radiation are adifficulty when the opaque and half-transparent objects exist together, especially for analyzing theindoor environment for atrium, building wit
Lin, B.; Li, X.; Zhu, Y.
As a new way of air conditioning, task air conditioning (TAC) system is often used in combine withbackground air conditioning (traditional central air conditioning) system.
Li, C.; Wang, Z.
In This paper, we offered a method of exergy-economic coefficient ? analyzed the distributedpower-supply system of gas turbine co-generation and calculated the exergy-economic coefficients ofthis system.
Li, F.; Zheng, P.; Ren, J.; Pan, W.; Qiu, Z.; Zhu, Q.
As two common kinds of air supply modes, natural wind and mechanical wind have obvious differenceson human sensation.
Li, H.; Chen, X.; Zhu, Y.
