
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The ordinary displacement ventilation system (DV) needs large installation spaces for large supplydiffusers with lower supply air velocity to avoid the draft discomfort at the foot level, and large supply airvolume to control allowable vertical te
Mihashi, F.; Moriya, H.; Kimura, K.; Takahashi, A.
This study aims at investigating the actual conditions of indoor environment in schools in order to obtainfundamental information for proper ventilation design for buildings.
Mihara, K.; Yoshino, H.; Takizawa, N.; Kurabuchi, T.; Muramatsu, S.; Kumagai, K.; Noguchi, M.; Yanagisawa, Y.
Indoor environmental quality (IEQ), subjective satisfaction of occupants and energy conservation ofbuildings are usually determined separately.
Mui, K.W.; Wong, L.T.; Chan, W.Y.; Law, L.Y.
This paper describes a series of field measurements investigating the ventilation rates and indoor airquality in four newly built secondary schools in England.
Mumovic, D.; Davies, M.; Ridley, I.; Altamirano-Medina, H.; Ozeszczyn, T.
This research describes the effects of injecting rigid polyurethane foam into walls and fitting doubleglazing or inner panes to sash windows as simple renovation methods for houses, based onestimations of CO2 emissions from heating/cooling and LCC
Mizuta, K.; Ikaga, T.; Murakami, S.
For energy conservation and good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), it is crucial to improve Outdoor Air Quality(OAQ).
Motohashi, H.; Oguro, M.
In this paper, experiments and simulations for moisture buffering of the gypsum boards is described.The small chamber (4.62 m3) installed the gypsum board on the interior surface was used for theexperiments.
Mitamura, T.; Yoshino, H.; Hasegawa, K.
While various VOCs are known to show neurotoxic effects, the detailed mechanisms of VOCs onautonomic nervous system have not been fully understood partly because objective and quantitativemeasures to indicate neural abnormalities are still under d
Mizukoshi, A.; Kumagai, K.; Yamamoto, N.; Noguchi, M.; Yoshiuchi, K.; Kumano, H.; Yanagisawa, Y.
In the past ten years, there have been intense developments in the application of energy savings inbuildings and high technology glass invented mainly for architectural faades and skylights in all overthe regions of the world.
Mintorogo, D.S.
In order to facilitate rational development on the efficient new ventilation system with new detectorsagainst the health problems caused by VOC in residential buildings, authors studied to clarify the actualIAQ conditions around occupied area.
Mitamura, T.; Osawa, H.; Kuwasawa, Y.; Miura, H.
Since the primary due period of 2008-2012 of the Kyoto Protocol Target Year is close at hand, specificmeasures for the prevention of global warming should be implemented in all areas.
Murakami, S.; Levine, M.D.; Yoshino, H.; Inoue, T.; Ikaga, T.; Shimoda, Y.; Miura, S.; Sera, T.; Nishio, M.; Sakamoto, Y.; Fujisaki, W.
Ventilation radiators, heat emitters where cold ventilation air is brought directly from outdoors into theroom via heated radiator surfaces, are becoming more and more common in Scandinavia.
Myhren, J.A.; Holmberg, S.
The concentration of CO2 was measured during driving the automobile and during standing. VOCsconcentration was measured during standing.
Nakagawa, J.; Iwashita, G.; Yoshinami, Y.; Nagayama, H.; Yokoyama, Y.
In this study, I surveyed household energy consumption and related indicators in various western andAsian countries.
Nakagami, H.
Coupling CFD and multizone models can avoid their respective drawbacks in predicting airflow andcontaminant concentrations distribution in buildings. Two kinds of boundary conditions are commonlyexchanged between them.
Ndione, J.; Yoshino, H.; Mochida, A.
In 2003, Hong Kong was hit by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) from which many peopledied. The Hong Kong Government subsequently set up a Governmental Team Clean Committee toinvestigate possible urban design policies.
NG, E.
In order to determine the causes of SHS (Sick House Syndrome), a field survey on indoor air quality and occupants’ health conditions was investigated in 60 houses in Japan.
Nakamura, A.; Yoshino, H.; Yoshida, M.; Ikeda, K.; Nozaki, A.; Kakuta, K.; Hojo, S.; Yoshino, H.; Amano, K.; Ishikawa, S.
This paper presents a study of the impact of urban warming upon energy consumption forair-conditioning in the home, using a numerical simulation model. The results are as follows.
Narumi, D.; Taketa, A.; Habara, H.; Shimoda, Y.
There is increasing number of people suffering from “Sick-building Syndrome” in Japan. Therefore, we started “Chemi-less Town Project”, building a model town in which buildings are constructed with fewer chemicals.
Nakaoka, H.; Todaka, E.; Watanabe, K.; Mori, C.
The groundwater heat pump (GWHP) system is an open-loop system that draws water from a well orsurface water, passes it through a heat exchanger and discharges the water into an injection well ornearby river.
Nam, Y.; Ooka, R.; Hwang, S.
