
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The possible benefits of automatic ventilation control of trickle ventilators in dwellings are investigated.
Ridley I., Davies M., Booth W., Judd C., Oreszczyn T., Mumovic D.
Natural ventilation, as a medium for air exchange between the indoor and outdoor environment, is known for its functions of providing outdoor ‘fresh’ air and removing indoor air pollutants.
Lam K.S., Chan E.H.W., Chan D.W.T., Fung W.Y., Law K.C., Tai C.T.
This paper attempts to look at the unsteady flow pressure on the blade tip in order to quantify the inception of instability of an axial-flow ventilation fan.
Cao R., Hu J.
Numerical simulations and computational fluid dynamics can be usefully integrated with architecturalmodelling to provide designers with a powerful single CFD based architectural modelling and designframework.
Todorovic M., Ecim O., Marjanovic A., Randjelovic I.
Ventilation, cooling and air-conditioning contribute significantly to the energy consumption of many existing office buildings, particularly when primary energy factors are taken into account.
Wagner A, Klebe M., Parker C.
Passive cooling techniques such as night time cross ventilation can potentially provide substantial cooling energy savings in warm climates.
Lissen J.M.S., Fernández J.A.S., Sánchez de la Flor F.J., Domínguez S.A., Pardo A.R.
In France there is an increasing demand for energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings of high thermal comfort.
Chlela F., Husaunndee A., Riederer P., Inard C.
Cross ventilation to reduce cooling energy is one of the most important techniques for maintaining acomfortable indoor environment in hot and mild seasons.
Shigeki Nishizawa, Takao Sawachi, Ken-ichi. Narita, Nobuyoshi Kiyota, Hironao Seto
The natural ventilation of a building, flanked by others forming urban canyons and driven by the combined forces of wind and thermal buoyancy, has been studied experimentally at small scale.
Syrios K., Hunt G. R.
This paper is not a technical paper but, instead, focuses on the methods by which information on recent advances in ventilation technology and systems may be transferred to engineers.
Kolokotroni M., Shilliday J., Liddament M., Santamouris M., Farrou I., Seppanen O, Brown R., Parker J., Guarracino G.
Natural ventilation associated with shading techniques is an alternative way to reduce the use of expensive and environmentally harmful active systems, while providing summer thermal comfort and good indoor air quality.
El Mankibi M., Michel P.
This paper presents steady-state energy and exergy analyses for dwelling ventilation with and without air-to-air heat recovery, and discusses the relative influence of heat and electricity on the exergy demand by ventilation airflows.
Sakulpipatsin P., Boelman E.C., Cauberg J.J.M.
Sustainable architecture design for tropical climates requires the use of natural ventilation combined with other strategies including: the use of appropriate materials, site location, orientation of faades and solar shading, etc.
Gonçalves Bastos L.E., Barroso-Krause C.
Gas phase filters were installed within the air handling unit of a HVAC system feeding 100 % fresh(outdoor) air to an office building.
Ginestet A., Pugnet D.
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the design strategies for improving the summer thermal comfort conditions in a low-energy residential building located near Rome.
Butera, F.; Adhikari, R.S.; Butera, M.
Global warming and fossil energy sources depletion represent an emergency at Planet scale.
Butera, F.; Ferrari, S.; Adhikari, R.S.; Caputo, P.
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) obligates EU member states to develop a reliablemethodology capable of calculating and certifying the energy performance (EP) of their building stock.
Burke, K.; Kenny, P.; Finn, D.
In hot and arid climates, evaporative cooling appears to have significant potential to provide thermal comfort and reduce the energy loads of summer season.
Bouchahm, Y.; Djouima, A.
Many modern office buildings have highly glazed facades.Their energy efficiency and indoor climate is, however, being questioned.
Blomsterberg, A.
A numerical analysis of the natural ventilation in greenhouseswas performed at no-wind and low-wind speeds with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
Bartzanas, T.; Kittas, C.; Tadj, N.; Draoui, B.
