
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The wind-induced natural ventilation of atrium buildingswith two roof openings has been investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques.
Li, R.; Pitts, A.; Niu, M.
In this article, the first part of a research project about the modelling of a solar chimney is presented.
Lanceta, D.; Llorente, J.
The paper deals with applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies in the Czech Republic.In the paper there are presented two recent studies, where computer simulation helps to design properly the passive and low energy cooling for
Lain, M.; Zmrhal, V.; Hensen, J.
The present paper describes the beginning of a sustainablerequalification program devised for some buildingsof the University of Brasilia, located in the city of Brasilia (latitude 15o south).
Romera, M.
In Heerlen, the Netherlands, warm and cold water volumesfrom abandoned mines will be used for heating and cooling of buildings, based on a low exergy energy infrastructure.
Roijen, E.; Op 't Veld, P.; Demollin-Schneiders, E.
More than 8.000 homes have been built to the Passivhausstandard in central Europe. The success of Passivhaus is due in large measure to it being a well defined product, understood by the developer, architect and future owner.
Pindar, A.; Zangheri, P.; Pagliano, L.; Schnieders, L.
Multi zone computer simulation is used to predict the concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and water vapour in a flat and detached house, fitted with five different ventilation systems all of which comply with current bu
Ridley, I.; Davies, M.; Mumovic, D.; Orme, M.; Pane, G.; Palmer, J.
The objective of this research consists of studying the effectiveness of devices used in the microbiological purification of the air. This specifically involves the inactivationof biological aerosols in an air handling unit.
Petinga, P.; Petit, P.; Vialle, P.-J.; Delaby, S.; Robine, E.; Gehin, E.
It has been investigated the effect of different construction parameters to the thermal performance of a solar chimney.These parameters are the thermal resistance of the walls, the glazing type and the solar chimneys thickness.The thermal performa
Pavlou, K.; Santamouris, M.
In the present study the relation between the wind speed and the air temperature during the summer period over the greater area of Athens is examined.
Papanikolaou, N.M.; Livada, L.; Santamouris, M.
The aim of the Pythagoras project was the development of an innovative national training material in the sector of indoor environmental quality.The need for education in this specific sector is dictatedby the significant indoor environment deterio
Papaglastra, M.; Santamouris, M.; Mouriki, E.; Geranios, A.; Mihalakakou, G.; Matthopoulos, D.; Deligiannakis, I.; Tsezos, V.; Doulka, E.; Papadopoulos, A.; Giama, E.; Aristotelis, A.; Stavrakakis, G.; Nicolaou, T.; Kolokotsa, D.; Kephalopoulos, S.
The primary aim of the EP label project was to develop a methodology for energy benchmarking and certification of buildings, based on Operational Ratings, to address the EPBD Article 7.3 requirement for Public Buildings over 1,000 m to display an
Papaglastra, M.; Santamouris, M.; Cohen R.
In summer 2007 a housing project will be build, reachablewithin 20 minutes by car from Granada. It contains33 single family houses , 21 apartements and 40 dwelling units social housing.
Pankratz, O.; Avila, L.M.; Buxbaum, C.; Seiler, A.
This study aims at examining the reduction of indoor air contaminants by plants placed in an indoor space.Field measurements were performed using Aglaonema brevispathum, which were verified as air-purifying plants by NASA.Two conditions for the am
Song, J.E.; Sohn, J.Y.; Kim, Y.S.
One of the research areas of the Energy research Centreof the Netherlands (ECN) concerns the built environment.Several facilities to conduct research activitiesare at ECNs disposal.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Bakker, E.J.; Shuitema, R.; Ligthart, F.A.T.M.; Opstelten, I.J.
The purpose of ventilation is to dilute indoor contaminantsthat an occupant is exposed to. In a multi-zone environment such as a house, there will be different dilutionrates and different source strengths in every zone.
Sherman, M.; Walker, I.S.
The present paper deals with the experimental analysis and monitoring of the energy and environmental performanceof a green roof system installed in two residences,in the region of Athens, Greece.
Sfakianaki, K.; Pavlou, K.; Santamouris, M.; Pagalou, E.
Regular air tightness and infiltration measurements were performed in forty houses, in the area of Attica, Greece. Two measurement methods were used, the tracer gas decay method and the Blower Door tests method.
Sfakianaki, K.; Pavlou, K.; Assimakopoulos, M.N.; Santamouris, M.; Leivada, I.; Karkoulias, N.; Mamouras, J.
The integration of research outputs on the cross ventilation is tried in order to quantify the reduction of cooling energy, by raising the stepwise questions and by reviewingexisting knowledge useful to find solutions.
Sawachi, T.; Nishizawa, S.; Habara, H.; Miura, H.
Wind speed characteristics in the centre of a city differthan the ones in its suburban. Street canyon effects result in weak airflows in the centre of highly dense citiesbecause of the combination of inertia and gravitationalforces.
Santamouris, M.; Georgakis, C.
