
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The purpose of this work is to study numerically the indoorenvironmental conditions in an office.
Assimakopoulos, V.D.; Stathopoulou, O.I.; Halios, C.; Helmis, C.G.
This paper shows the analysis of ventilation impact in the energy behaviour in rural areas. Considering that a large percentage of housing production is self-built in this part of Mexico, the impact of this construction activityis very important.
Arias, S.
Energy saving and emissions reduction are both affectedby the energy efficiency of the built environment and the matching between the quality of the energy carrierand the quality of the required energy.
Angelotti, A.; Caputo, P.
The architectural product is influenced by a series of more general economical aspects such as people’s living standard, which includes not only a relative stability of the prices but also that of the family income.Therefore, the architectural pro
Al-musaed, A.; Khalil, Z.
In order to limit ventilation losses in low-energy buildings,balance ventilation systems with high-efficiency heat recovery units are often used.
Fournier, M.; Berthault, S.; Carrié, R.
This document aims to present the progress and the outcome of the research on double skin façades that is being carried out within the European ‘BESTFACADE’ project.
Farrou, I.; Santamouris, M.; Zerefos, S.; Heimrath, R.; Engsberger, H.; Mach, T.; Streicher, W.; Waldner, R.; Flamant, G.; Loncour, X.; Prieus, S.; Guarracino, G.; Erhorn, H.; Erhorn-Kluttig, H.; Duarte, R.; Matos, M.M.; Blomsterberg, A.; Sjöberg, L.
In preparation of the implementation of the Energy Performanceof Buildings Directive (EPBD) the responsibleGerman Ministry has undertaken several actions includingthe developmentof a new energy performance calculationprocedure for non-residential
Erhorn-Kluttig, H.; Erhorn, H.; Höttges, K.; Kaiser, J.
Presently the assessment of the thermal behaviour and the energy efficiency of naturally ventilated double skin facades (DSF) is only possible by using complex simulationtools, which allow inter-connections between fluid dynamics, energy balances
Erhorn, H.; Erhorn-Kluttig, H.; Sinnesbichler, H.; Wössner, S.; Weiss, N.
In Asian countries under sultry climatic conditions includingJapan, natural ventilation and cross-ventilation at nighttime give very good effects on the improvement of physical conditions of the residents and on the coolingof the buildings in inte
Endo, T.; Kurabuchi, T.; Nonaka, T.; Kadowaki, Y.; Ohba, M.; Goto, T.
This paper introduces research being carried out to support effective energy efficient design in Egypt. It is based on deriving results of multiple parametric simulationsof energy performance of office buildings in Cairo and Alexandria.
Eisa, A.; Pitts, A.
Considering that natural ventilation is a climatic factor,a renewable alternative, as well as an important source of comfort, it seems to be relevant to consider its great potential when applied to architecture, taking into account economical and
Drach, P.R.; Karam, F.J.
Goal of the study was to investigate the relation betweenthe level of ventilation and the performance of school children in classroomsIn one school in two classrooms the same ventilation system was installed.
de Gids, W.
In mild climates due to the increase of request of comfortof people there is a growing number of installation of low cost and low efficient cooling system even in new buildings.
Groce, S.; Gattoni, L.P.; Arlunno, R.; Pansa, G.
In Korea, all residential buildings adopt floor- heating systems for indoor thermal comfort. And the ratio of multi-family houses exceeds 50%.
Cho, D.W.; Yu, J.Y.; Yu, K.H.
In Part 1, the changes in wind pressure coefficient distributionon the surfaces of the buildings when building coverage is varied are evaluated and identified, and it is elucidated that the ventilation through skylight is effectivebecause the surf
Kadowaki, Y.; Kurabuchi, T.; Nonaka, T.; Endo, T.
This study examines air quality measured in two classroomsin a UK school, which uses two different forms of natural ventilation, over an eight month period.
Jones, B.M.; Kirby, R.; Kolokotroni, M.; Payne, T.
The growing energy consumption for cooling of buildingsis one important concern in Mediterranean countries.Natural ventilation plays an important role as passive energy saving strategy, regarding cooling of buildings in this climate.
Jiménez, M.J.; Heras, M.R.; Arce, J.
Field survey on indoor air quality was conducted during winter season, in an elementary school at Kagoshima city.
Iwashita, G.; Yoshino, H.
This paper describes the possibility of high-temperature radiative cooling combined with natural ventilation.
Iwamatsu, T.; Yoshino, H.; Kataoka, E.; Shukuya, M.
Design guidelines for natural ventilation in buildings normally focus on the potential hourly air change (ACH) rates based on the building space parameters.
Horan, J.; Finn, D.
