
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A Simulation Program for Regional Energy and Environment Management (SPREEM) has beendeveloped for management throughout the life cycle from planning and design to operation of awide-area energy and environment whose core is DHC (district heating
Sugihara, Y.; Ichikawa, T.; Kuzuki, R.; Fujisaki, W.; Watanabe, K.; Matsunawa, K.; Niwa, H.
Using a passive tracer gas technique, 1 and 2 week averages of local mean ages of air have beenestimated in an occupied detached single family house in mid-Sweden during one year.
Stymne, H.; Emenius, G.; Boman, C.; Blomqvist, C.
In an indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) installation the extracted air is cooled by means of adiabatichumidification. By passing over an air/air heat exchanger this air cools down the supply air.
Steeman, M.; Janssens, A.; De Paepe, M.
This study explored the reduction effect of indoor pollutants by the kinds of plant. The effect of reducingthe concentration of air contaminants by three species of plants was studied in a full-scale mock-upmodel.
Song, J.E.; Kim, Y.S.; Sohn, J.Y.
Heat transfer between soil and cooling water in buried pipes is presented, thus ground source heatpump can realize the transfer from low-grade energy to high-grade energy.
Songtao, H.; Yu, T.; Gang, W.; Zhigang, S.
The energy penalty associated with the conditioning of large quantities of outdoor air in hot and humidclimates is well known. The problem is even more challenging when the application involved requires100% outdoor air.
Sekhar, S.C.; Chong, K.
In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of sorptive building materials in reducing VOCsconcentrations in air using a small test chamber.
Seo, J.; Kato, S.; Ataka, Y.; Chino, S.
The objective of this paper is to apply a novel decoupling control method, direct feedback linear (DFL),to VAV air-conditioning system, which is differences from local linear decoupling control method.
Shi, Z.; Hu, S.; Li, a.
Application of night cooling to educational buildings looks very promising in mild climates.
Simonetti, M.; Fracastoro, G.V.; Perino, M.
This paper first introduces the concept of “exergy”, which quantifies what is consumed by any working systems from man-made systems such as heat engines to biological systems including human body.
Shukuya, M.
In Korea, there is growing interest in the remodeling of aged apartment buildings. Traditionally, theheating panel in Korea is a wet type floor heating panel that utilizes radiation.
Shin, M.S.; Rhee, K.N.; Ryu, S.R.; Seok, H.T.; Yeo, M.S.; Kim, K.W.
A study from 2005-2007 has been undertaken of 18 ‘low-energy’ dwellings in Milton Keynes, UK, originally monitored for temperature and energy consumption from 1989-1991. Results were compared under standardized daily external conditions of 5ºC.
Summerfield, A.J.; Lowe, R.J.; Bruhns, H.R.; Caeiro, J.A.; Pathan, A.; Oreszczyn, T.
In recent years, the control of airborne ions has become one of the important research items of indoorenvironment.
Suwa, Y.; Tamura, H.; Taira, T.; Kagi, N.; Fujii, S.
The goal of this work is to investigate the ability of three eddy viscosity turbulent models, the standardk-?, the RNG k-? and the k-?, in predicting the three-dimensional airflow in a room under forcedconvection.
Susin, R.M.; Lindner, G.A.; Mendonca, K.C.; Mariani, V.C.
This paper presents the benefit of natural ventilation of a roof cavity to reduce summer thermal loads ofa factory and, therefore, the cooling load due to air-conditioning systems with respect to various climatezones in Japan.
Susanti, L.; Matsumoto, H.; Homma, H.
The subject of sustainable energy is occupying public attention in Ireland like never before.
Measurements of indoor air pollutants covering the concentrations of CO2, CO, TVOC’s, PM2.5, and PM10 were performed in 50 residences in Athens.
Santamouris M., Argiroudis K., Georgiou M., Livada I., Doukas P., Assimakopoulos MN,Sfakianaki A.,Pavlou K., Geros V. ,Papaglastra M.
Growing concern about negative effects on the environment and increasing energy prices stress theimportance of energy efficiency.
Rohdin P., Moshfegh B.
A healthy indoor environment with sufficient fresh air is a prerequisite for the well-being and highproductivity of building occupants.
Karunakaran R., Parameshwaran R., Iniyan S., Anand A. Samuel
The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of upstream geometry of the nozzle on the turbulence mixing and temperature distribution in still air large enclosed spaces.
Khan M.I.
