
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper evaluates current situation of the university building which is considered oriented in the wrong direction,in the campus area of Izmir Institute of Technologyin Izmir, Turkey.
Güçyeter, B.; Terim, B.; Durmuş Arsan, Z.
Building industry is often regarded as a mature and traditionalsector, in which the technological development is not so accelerated as in other cases.The increasing costs for electric energy, heating and climatization,the dramatic environmental is
Giorgiantoni, G.; Finizio, D.
In temperate continental climates, the reduction of the solar radiation influence in summer season, over the comfort conditions of internal spaces, can only be achieved by natural means in two ways: one possibility is through occupants adjustments
Ganem Karlen, C.; Coch Roura, H.
To promote the sustainability the building environment is full of opportunities; in particular in Europe with the energy building performance directive and its adaptationin Spain with the new regulation on energy efficiencyin building (Cdigo Tcnic
Friedrich, I.; Alonso Cepeda, A.; Martinez, D.; Gal, A.
A study was performed in 6 elementary schools in Japan,and measurements were made on temperature in classrooms and corridors, outdoor temperature, CO2 concentration and closing or opening of windows and doors.
Kurabuchi, T.; Endo, T.; Kumagai, K.; Yoshino, H.
Temperature, relative humidity, pressure difference across the floor and microbial concentrations were investigatedin the four buildings which had either concrete floor (1 piece) or wooden floors (3 pieces) and crawlspaces.The temperature followed
Kröger, T.; Vepsäläinen, K.; Reiman, M.; Keskikuru, T.; Halonen, R.; Kokotti, H.
It has been widely recognised that too few projects initiatedunder both national as well as EU funded research projects find their way to commercial exploitation.
Krell, K.
Automated living and working environment is becominga commonly used service. The present paper deals with a dynamically automated control of shading in buildings during mid-seasons.
Kosir, M.; Kristl, Z.; Krainer, A.
The scope of the present paper is the presentation of a dynamic and interactive vocational training tool for the implementation of the Directive 2002/91/EC.Certain features of the tool that depend on the existing legislation and restrictions in ea
Kolokotsa, D.; Saridakis, G.; Fenekos, O.; Karagounakis, A.; Tsoukakis, D.
Adverse health effects have been reported in indoor swimming pools.
Kokotti, H.; Jauhiainen, T.; Yli-Pirilä, P.; Hirvonen, A.; Halonen, R.; Korpi, A.; Keskikuru, T.; Kujanpää, L.; Reiman, M.
Numerical and experimental results concerning the emission of a tracer gas (N2O) inside a naturally ventilatedgreenhouse are presented and analyzed.
Kittas, C.; Katsoulas, N.; Sapounas, A.; Bartzanas, T.
A food odor spread is one of the air quality problems in high rise residential buildings in Korea. The food odor is mainly produced during the cooking of food. The food odor is generated in the limited spaces like in the kitchenand at a table.
Kim, T.; Park, B.; Lee, S.M.; Lee, J.H.; Lee, Y.
Research of adaptability to manufacture of application of designs from porous concrete with the help of methodsexpert estimating has shown a high level of adaptabilityto manufacture of the developed decisions in view of factory, transport, assembl
Kazakov, J.N.
The energy performances of a summer air-conditioningsystem with variable airflow destined fora sole air-conditioned open-space environment which hosts a call-centre are presented.
Oliveti, G.; Arcuri, N.; Bruno, R.
It is difficult to design indoor environment under natural ventilation because there is insufficient knowledge to evaluate the effect of the natural ventilation space quantitatively.Especially, natural ventilation rate is not yet fully understood.
Nishizawa, S.; Sawachi, T.; Habara, H.; Seto, H.
The use of windows is a key adaptive opportunity in naturally ventilated buildings especially in summer when the building is likely to be free-running.
Nicol, F.; Rijal, H.; Humphreys, M.; Tuohy, P.
The performance of natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems was monitored, using the tracer gas decay method, in three typical apartment buildings locatedin two street canyons, during summer period 2002 in Athens.
Niachou, K.; Santamouris, M.; Hassid, S.
For a high density city, given the need to accommodate a fix amount of building volume, what can one do to optimise the benefits of the natural (air) environment?
Ng, E.
In order to overcome the increasing energy demand in buildings and related environmental problems, new efficientenergy technologies and new integrated building concepts, like solar passive and mixed-weighted thermalmass buildings, are being develo
Mateus, R.; Silva, S.; Bragança, L.; Almeida, M.; Mendoça, P.; Silva, P.
The management of indoor air quality is accomplished by various types of complex mechanisms related to indoorenvironment and recently, an integrated solution applying state of art technology is being presented pertainingto the management of indoor
Lim, S.; Lee, H.; Choi, W.; Song, I.; Yu, J.
