
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

From the beginning of 2006 all new European buildings (residential, commercial, industrial etc.) musthave an energy declaration based on the calculated energy performance of the building, includingheating, ventilating, cooling and lighting systems
Olesen, B.W.
European Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) was approved in the beginning of2003. The transition period is 3-6 years depending of the article.
Olesen, B.W.
To reduce the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde emitted frombuilding materials and furnishings, it has been suggested that new buildings undergo a bake-out.According to the existing studies [3, 4], ventilation dur
Park, E.Y.; Kang, D.H.; Choi, D.H.; Lee, S.M.; Min, Y.S.; An, J.H.; Yeo, M.S.; Kim, K.W.
A distributed energy system in Kitakyushu Science and Research Park (KSRP) has been introduced since April 2001. In this paper, the system’s running situation was analyzed by using the recorded data in 2003.
Ruan, Y.; Gao, W.; Watanabe, T.
Since our earth has finite material resources and biological capacity, human must live within thecarrying capacity on the earth.As we exceed the carrying capacity of the earths ecosystem over thetime they stressed, then go into decline and finally
Roy, M.; Ghosh, B.; Das Gupta, A.
The growing worldwide demand for less polluting forms of energy has led to a renewed interest in theuse of micro combined heat and power (CHP) technologies in the residential sector.
Ren, H.; Gao, W.; Ruan, Y.
Use of a portable HEPA filter cleaner in a room is believed to be capable of reducing the risk oftransmission of infectious diseases through removing the particles or large droplets to which pathogensare attached.
Qian, H.; Li, Y.; Huang, X.; Sun, H.; Seto, W.H.; Yuen, P.L.
Decomposition of toluene in air was studied by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) on the one hand aswell as UV light as assistance to DBD on the other hand.Input energy to reaction chamber, flow rate of contaminated air, and concentration of tolue
Pyagay, R.; Kim, J.S.; Ahn, C.; Yim, Y.S.
It is a widely spread misunderstanding that highly insulated buildings perform poorly with respect to theindoor environment.
Rudbeck, C.
Mould can cause allergic, toxic or infectious reactions (Bardana 2003).
Schwartze, D.; Kopf, M.; Hornberg, C.; Malsch, A.K.F.
There is an obvious and indisputable need for an increase in the efficiency of energy utilisation inbuildings. Heating, cooling and lighting appliances in buildings account for more than one third of theworlds primary energy demand.
Schmidt, D.
Farming is very popular in Tohoku Region. Especially the yield of rice in this region is more than 10%of that in Japan. However, farmers have a problem with its storage in winter and summer.
Sasaki, T.; Honma, Y.; Hayashi, M.
The traditional house of Japan, Kominka, is constructed of wooden pillars and beams, and clay walls.The indoor space in the Kominka remains cool in summer because overhanging eaves block solarradiation and the open frame airs out.
Sasaki, K.; Yasui, T.
The effectiveness of natural ventilation, i.e. its ability to ensure indoor air quality and passive cooling ina building, depends greatly on the design process.
de Santoli, L.; Mariotti, M.
Social, financial, energy and technical data from about 1110 households have been collected during2004 in the major Athens area. The sample has been divided in seven income groups and a detailedanalysis has been performed.
Santamouris, M.; Kapsis, K.; Korres, D.; Livada, I.; Pavlou, C.; Assimakopoulos, M.N.
Measurements of indoor pollutants have been performed in 50 residences in Athens. The concentration of CO2, CO, TVOC’s and PM2.5, PM10 has been measured.
Santamouris, M.; Argiroudis, K.; Georgiou, M.; Pavlou, K.; Assimakopoulos, M.; Sfakianaki, K.
It is necessary to unsteadily accurately estimate handling and time-related spatial distribution of theindoor environment element in respect of externality meteorological phenomenon and time-varyingmovement of the heating and cooling load in order
Sakai, K.; Murata, Y.; Kubo, R.; Kajiya, R.; Ishihara, O.
With radiant heating, it is possible to set room air temperature lower than when heating withair-conditioning because the human body is heated by a radiation.
Sakaguchi, J.; Akabayashi, S.
The purpose of studying vernacular Japanese architecture is to understand to what extent a house withlarge opening surfaces, no thermal insulation and very low environmental impact can become avaluable shelter during cold winters and hot humid sum
Sdei, A.
The growth of automobile population in Kuala Lumpur is an important issue for car parking spacesespecially commercial buildings. The large multi storey and underground car parks seem to offer goodsolution nowadays.
Sulaiman, R.; Che Din, N.B.; Ishak, N.H.
