
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Recent work has begun to consider the potential for using freeze flow techniques in Computational Fluid Dynamics programs for carrying out long term simulations of time dependent flows.
Zitzmann T., Cook MJ, Pfrommer P.
Full-scale experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods were used to investigate the velocity and temperature fields in a mechanically ventilated room.
Kuznik F., Rusaouen G., Brau J.
The present study investigates the effect of alteration in the building shape due to some common remodelling practice on the wind pressure differences delta-p for cross-ventilation of a semi-detached low-rise building using Computational Fluid Dyn
Cheng See Yuan
Several building simulation programs have been developed for design, analysis and prediction of thedistribution of temperature, airflow and heat transfer between the inside and outside of a building, and/or between different zones of the building.
Megri A.C.
Age of air is a technique for evaluating ventilation that has been actively used for over 20 years.
Sherman, M.H.
In order to provide comfort in a low energy consumption building, it is preferable to use natural ventilation rather than HVAC systems.
Bastide A, Allard F and Boyer H.
Ventilation is essential for the health and comfort of building occupants. It is particularly required to dilute and/or remove pollutants emitted by occupants' metabolism and activities.
Richieri F, Salem T and Michel P.
In recent years, the quest has been focused on energy efficient building design.
Karunakaran R, Parameshwaran R, Pyluru R, Iniyan S and Mohan Lal D.
In this study, the function of carbon dioxide as an index of indoor air quality and as a tracer gas to estimate the air exchange rate in naturally ventilated single family houses was investigated.
Guo L and Lewis JO.
Knowledge of ventilation rates in dairy buildings is essential for determining indoor air quality and for estimating green house gases and particle emissions.
Teye FK and Hautala M.
Established methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have been applied to predict the details of airflow, contaminant dispersal and thermal transport within isolated zones, yet zone transport processes do not occur in isolation.
Axley JW and Chung DH.
When the airflow pressure losses at the junctions of ducts in ventilation systems are taken into account, the analysis becomes more complicated since no unique value for the static pressure is associated with a junction.
Salonen E-M and Holopainen R.
Near-extreme solar irradiance, ambient dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures are fundamentaldata for determining the peak building cooling load. Design solar irradiance has beenseparately and independently selected by both ASHRAE and CIBSE.
Chen, T.; Chen, Y.; Yik, F.W.H.
Damit ein Gebäude seinen Anforderungen hinsichtlich der Standsicherheit, der Energieeinsparung und der Hygiene gerecht wird, ist es nicht nur erforderlich, dass die Luftdichtheitsschicht in ihrer ebenen Ausbildung dicht ist, sondern auch, dass die
T. Achermann
An den grundsätzlichen Anforderungen, wie schon bei dem 1. Europäischem BlowerDoor-Symposium aufgezeigt, hat sich nicht geändert bzw. hat die Praxis doch einige Punkte aufgeworfen.
H. Berhorst
Das Thema Luftdichtheit von Gebäuden ist nicht ganz neu. Schon in den 1970er Jahren wurde es gerade in den nordischen Ländern intensiv erforscht. Das Magazin Air Information Review veröffentlichte im August 1980 (Ref. 1, Abb.
P. Wouters, C. Delmotte, N. Heijmans, P. Van den Bossche, F. Dobbels
So that a building meets its requirements regarding stability, energy conservation andhygiene, it is not only necessary, that the airtightness layer is really airtight in its planaryformation, but also that functionality is given within the range
T. Ackermann
The fundamental requirements, already presented at the 1st European BlowerDoorSymposium, did not change, respectivley practice has brought up some points.Still there is no standardised qualification profile on the part of the district chimneysweep
H. Berhorst
What is a pure area? In the case of the production of smallest structures, e.g. in productionof microprocessors, or in the clinical range, e.g.
D. Jung
