
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The principal intention of the present study is the analysisof the both physical and social conditions of a rural community near to the City of Guadalajara in Mexico, with the purpose of establishing the environmental necessaryparameters to realiz
Avila, D.C.
As the UK Building Regulations demand better insulatedand more airtight new buildings, a potential cooling requirement is emerging in new build dwellings in the UK, leading to an increase in the market for domestic air conditioning systems in this
Ampatzi, E.; Knight, I.
This paper presents the thermal comfort levels in a bioclimaticbuilding situated in the greater Athens area in Greece.
Androutsopoulos, A.; Kotsiris, G.
Heating and cooling buildings needs too much energy consumption; thing that is becoming rare and more expensive.Internal thermal comfort is essentially evaluatedaccording to bioclimatic conditions and energy consumption.So the aim of the study is
Bellara, S.; Abdou, S.
The paper describes a method to show how Building Simulation data can be interpreted to provide informationthat is of use to non-Building Simulation experts involved in the design of low energy Buildings.The method uses a heat balance simulation t
Bleil de Souza, C.; Knight, I.P.
The application of system identification techniques to the energy performance assessment of buildings and building components requires a high level of knowledgeof physical and mathematical processes.
Bloem, J.J.
The case study in question is that of the refurbishment of a building constituted by four school pavilions built in the post-war period of the 20th Century with very lightweight reinforced concrete arches and vaults.
Brunetti, G.L.
Solar gains are one of the most important factors of design for energy efficient buildings.
Axarli, K.; Vaitsi, C.
Ecology in Architecture Design (EAD) is a project with the main aim of developing a blended (face to face lecturesplus online activities) learning course about how to integrate ecology in the architectural design, both at the level of a single bui
Caputo, P.; Roscetti, A.; Rega, I.
In the last decades researches have indicated an extremelyhigh energy consumption of the building sector. Analysing the amount of consumed energy, it is showed that almost the 70% are expended for the heating and cooling loads of the building.
Chadiarakou, S.; Santamouris, M.
Due to the exhaustion of fossil resources and greenhouse warming, the control of energy has become a key subject for the 21st century.
Bulteau, V.; Cantin, R.; Guarracino, G.
A two-storey wood frame house for the experimental study of hybrid residential ventilation was built in the campus of the Brno University of Technology in 2003.
Charvat, P.; Jicha, M.; Stetina, J.
Installation of an evaporatively cooled hydroponic greenhouse on the roof of building can yield net energy savings for the combined structure, when compared to conventional air conditioning, and can conserve space by adding productive capacity to
Caplow, T.; Nelkin, J.
One of the significant threats for buildings is the possibility of changes in the building materials’ properties because of the penetration and residence of moisture it them.
Chadiarakou, S.; Papadopoulos, A.M.; Karamanos, A.; Aravantinos, D.
This paper objective is to analyze by simulations, the thermal comfort and energy consumption when using a radiant cooling ceiling.
Catalina, T.; Virgone, J.
This paper investigates the possibility of integrating thermal energy storage to the hot side of LiBr/H2O absorptioncooling system to cover 100% of peak cooling load for a three bedroom house on the hottest summer day in Cardiff, Wales.
Agyenim, F.; Rhodes, M.; Knight, I.
This paper describes major elements of the design of three low-energy solar homes in Canada. Two of these are part of a demonstration program. The major features of the houses are: 1.
Athienitis, A.K.
This paper looks at the design and construction in 2006/2007 of a ‘green’ office building in Wellington, New Zealand.
Barbour, A.; Marriage, G.
In this paper, the design and development of a web databasefor the purpose of storing and processing data produced by a complete building energy analysis is presented.
Baryannis, G.; Stavrakakis, G.; Nikolaou, T.; Kolokotsa, D.
This research aims at developing new standardized typologiesof semitransparent double skin facades formed by an external semitransparent PV laminate, a wide air gap and a rear glass (Figure 1).
Cipriano, J.; Houzeaux, G.; Pérez, D.
