
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The demand for airtightness measurements in residential buildings rises. Thus alsothe interest in airtightness measurements in multi-family resindences grows.
P. Simons, S. Rolfsmeier
Der ganzheitliche Ansatz für die Bewertung der lüftungstechnischen Maßnahme (Systeme zur Wohnungslüftung siehe Bild 1) spiegelt sich im zu erstellenden Lüftungskonzept für die gesamte Nutzungseinheit wieder (s. Bild 2 und Bild 3).
W. Reiners
Fertigungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse in der Elektroindustrie (Microchips), der Feinstwerktechnik (Kleinste Bauelemente mit hoher Präzision), der Medizinforschung und der Lebensmitteltechnik sowie auch Operationssäle erfordern Labore bzw.
S. Rolfsmeier
Seit jeher ist die Gebäudehülle so (luft-)dicht wie möglich gemacht worden. Einfache Dichtungsmassnahmen, wie das Stopfen mit Moos bei Holz-Blockbauten, zeugen von diesen Anstrengungen.
H. Preisig
Steigende Energiepreise zwingen auch behördliche Betreiber von größeren Gebäuden über energetische Verbesserungen nachzudenken, denn den auf die Bürger umzulegenden Kosten sind allmählich Grenzen gesetzt.
K. Schwarz
Niedrigenergiehäuser bis zum Passivhaus-Niveau setzen sich langsam auch in Tschechien durch, was natürlich mit passenden Lüftungsstrategien verbunden ist.
J. Tywoniak, P. Kopecký
Die Nachfrage nach Luftdichtheitsmessungen in Wohngebäuden steigt. Somit wächst auch das Interesse an Luftdichtheitsmessungen in Mehrfamilienhäusern.
P. Simons, S. Rolfsmeier
Das Wissen, wie Bauteilanschlüsse luftdicht hergestellt werden, ist inzwischen relativ verbreitet – zumindest unter den interessierten Bauschaffenden.
J. Zeller
Building airtightness is not a new topic of interest. Already in the seventies of the lastcentury, intense work was done regarding building airtightness in the Nordiccountries. In the Air Information Review of August 1980 (ref.
P. Wouters, C. Delmotte, N. Heijmans, P. Van den Bossche, F. Dobbels, F.
The consequences of the global climate change are perceptible even in Italy, where in the last 15 years the mean temperature values increased of 0.4 °C in the northern part of the country and of 0.7°C in the southern one.
Albatici, R.; Iannone, F.; Savorelli, A.
Human has developed a board rang of passive cooling techniques in various parts of the world up to a very impressive level of maturity: cliff dwellings through the world (ground cooling), wind towers (convective and mass cooling), sprinkling water
Al-musaed, A.
In many urban areas, pavements and roofs constitute over 60% of urban surfaces (roof 20-25%, pavements about 40%).
Akbari, H.; Menon, S.; Rosenfeld, A.
Throughout architectural history, local buildings have used great in providing the most comfortable internal conditions possible within the exigencies and constraintsof local climate.In Iraqis climates, accelerating airflow through induces evapora
Al-musaed, A.; Almsad, A.; Khalil, Z.
Macroclimatic forces have been important factors ever since man first constructed shelter.
Al-musaed, A.; Almsad, A.; Harith, S.; Nathir, M.; Ameer, M.
Since 1999, several widely used building energy efficiencystandards, including ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 90.2, the International Energy Conservation Code, and Californias Title 24 have adopted cool roof credits or requirements.
Akbari, H.; Levinson, R.
which is a typical residential building in the South MediterraneanSea. The house type is also representative for second home.
Alcamo, G.; Murgia, S.; Sala, M.
After the terrible consequence of the Iraq –Iran war and recently USA attack over Iraq the urban green covering disappeared from large areas of the city, beside the extension of the building over the green areas.
Al-musaed, A.; Almssad, A.; Khalil, S.
The buildings’ environment plays a very important role in health matters and the quality of life. A series of experimental measurements were carried out in the residential sector of the greater region of Athens.
Assimakopoulos, M.N.; Sfakianaki, A.; Doukas, P.; Santamouris, M.; Fourtounas, A.
In modern, extensively glazed office buildings, due to high solar and internal loads and increased comfort expectations,air conditioning systems are often used even in moderate and cold climates.
Artmann, N.; Manz, H.; Heiselberg, P.
One of the main elements to consider in urban space design is the modification of the microclimate in order to improve the thermal comfort conditions of people livingin urban spaces.Sometimes it is very important to design very specific conditions
Angelotti, A.; Dessi, V.; Scudo, G.
