
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This document describes the rehabilitation of the GeneralSecretariat Information Systems (GSIS building) and the description of the energy measures that were implemented aiming at the improvement of the buildingenergy performance and the indoor en
Farrou, I.; Santamouris, M.; Zervas, Y.; Zachakis, K.; Toumbexis, C.; Tzamalis, P.
In this study we identify and describe the design strategiesadapted to the climate and used in ancient constructions.The research is focused on the information obtained from cases found in voras architecture.
Fernandes, J.; Correai da Silva, J.
Thermal insulation in the warm climate can reduce the energy demand for cooling in residential buildings up to 70%.To define the gap in between the actual applied thermal requirements and what would be todays economic optimum,Eurima ordered a stud
Hamans, C.
Earth heat exchange (EHX) through buried horizontal air ducts (EHXair-hor) can be an effective passive/ibryde system to reduce heating and cooling loads in temperate climate zones.
Grosso, M.; Raimondo, L.
The buildings sector accounts for 40% of the energy requirements in Europe, which is more than by industryor transport. That is a lot and it is too much! Buildingstherefore have a major part to play in meeting the emissions reductions targets!
Gramkow, L.
The European Union is facing a critical situation regardingenergy supply and dependency on imported fuels in the coming years.
Gramkow, L.
There are in Brazil ten million people in the south region of the country.
Grala da Cunha, E.; Machado, N.; Turella, L.; de Negri, L.
Every time with major frequency grows the necessity of energy efficient buildings, adapted to their environment, which consume and contaminate as least as possible.In this study it has been analyzed and evaluated the thermal conditioning of two bl
Giancola, E.; Soutullo, S.; Olmeda, R.; Heras, R.
The scope of the current paper is to present two buildingprojects that have been designed within 2006 by Gavalas Architects & Associates.
Gavalas, A.
This study compares various optimization criteria for a solar domestic hot water system (SDHWS). First of all, we present the various parameters used to evaluate a SDHWS. We consider the energetic, exergetic, environmentaland financial analysis.
Fraisse, G.; Bai, Y.; Le-Pierres, N.
This paper looked into the possibilities of adaptive reusethrough the environmental retrofit of an existing warehouse.
Fong, C.
The heating system of the bioclimatic building of CRES comprises the entire heating plant including a solar assistedheat pump, the Solar Air Collectors (SAC) as well as the heat distribution system (comprising a fan coil unit network).
Karagiorgas, M.; Tsagouris, M.; Galatis, K.
The solar cooling plant in the Rethymno village Hotel supplies cooling energy to the dinning room as well as it supplies hot water to its central Domestic Hot Water (DHW) network.
Karagiorgas, M.; Kouretzi, P.; Kodokalou, L., Lamaris, P.
The objective of this work is to find the optimum window-to-wall area ratio that minimizes the energy cost for cooling, heating and daylighting.
Kalogirou, S.A.
Microclimate condition in an environment is influenced by the local environment condition. Urban morphology,especially building, pavement and greenery are the main factors.
Jusuf, S.K.; Wong, N.H.
This project presents the performance of air washer chilled water coil system for a yarn industry .The basicprinciples including (1) effectiveness, (2) saturation efficiency and energy consumption for the systems are evaluated..
Jothyramalingam, S.; Mohanlal, D.
The objective of this work is to demonstrate through a case study of a Shopping Centre in Portugal how daylighting and Passive Solar Strategies can be efficient in this kind of buildings, always characterized by large transparent areas and, in con
Jesus, L.; Almeida, M.; Almeide, A.
Adoption of daylight as an energy efficiency strategy is especially relevant for a climate like Malaysia, as the country experiences long sunshine hours throughoutthe year.
Ibrahim, N.; Zain-Ahmed, A.
Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFL’s) use less energy than standard GLS lightbulbs, last longer, are widely available and cost less than ever before.
Hobart, C.; Wilson, M.
