
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Energy-efficiency benchmarking can be used to monitorchanges in overall efficiency of buildings.
Cipriano, X.; Carbonell, J.
One of the current challenges in the urban climate researcharea mentions the standardization of procedures for data collection and analysis (OKE, 2005); this involvesnomenclatures and methods, so that the transmissionof the developed technology ca
Costa, A.; Labaki, L.; Araújo, V.
The Project of Ponte da Pedra came out of an Ideas Competition, which is, by the beginning, a good indicatorof the high quality of the housing architecture of Ponte da Pedra.
Coimbra, J.P.T.
The climate in southern Brazil is characterised by mild winters and hot-humid summers which requires the design to be adaptable to the often conflicting summer and winter requirements.
Costella, M.
Library buildings offer special conditions to favor the adoption of low energy strategies.
Craveiro, F.; Oliveira, B.; Leal, V.; Fernandes, E.O.
In November 2006 a “CO2 emission and energy saving potential through correct pipe insulation of space heating and domestic hot water distribution systems in the new and existing buildings.” paper [3], sponsored by Armacell - worldwide producer of
Chmielarski, J.
Building AdVent is a new collaborative project funded by the EU through its Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programme.
Cripps, A.
For many reasons building simulation programs are still not recognized as useful design support tools to the same extent as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or cost-estimating software.
Delbin, S.; Gomes de Silva, V.; Kowaltowski, D.
Since recent years cooling demand in office buildings has tremendously increased due to higher internal heat production of equipment, lighting and higher thermal comfort requirements.
Desmedt, J.; Hoes, H.
Traditional architecture while energy consumption has not been defined as today, have utilized some passive design methods by attending to the potentials of the regionand made them highlight.
Deldar, N.; Tahsildoost, M.
This paper describes ongoing energy benchmarks studies of double-skin façade buildings. A comparison between energy performance of these actual buildings and European office buildings benchmarks is discussed.
de Matos, M.; Duarte, R.
This paper presents the basic parameters and energy flows of an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systemcombined with reversible water/water heat pumps used for heating and cooling the new hospital Klina (Antwerp Belgium).
Desmedt, J.; Hoes, H.
Daylighting control systems have quite high potential to reduce building’s energy consumption and peak demand. Despite this potential, reported poor performance, didn’t allow substantial increase in their installation rates.
Doulos, L.; Tsangrassoulis, A.; Topalis, F.
The aim of the specific paper is the analysis of the efficiencyof power lines as a communication media for Building Energy Management Systems.
Dolianitis, S.; Kolokotsa, D.; Kalitsounakis, N.; Zografakis, N.
When an energy balance is calculated in accordance with DIN V 18599, an integrative approach is taken, i.e.
Erhorn, H.; de Boer, J.; Wössner, S.; Höttges, K.; Erhorn-Kluttig, H.
This paper presents the results of a monitoring study carried out in the city of Adelaide, Australia, whose primaryaim was to calibrate a model capable of predicting air temperature in an urban street canyon for extended periods in a variety of we
Erell, E.; Williamson, T.
Low depth geothermal energy can be efficiently used as a heat sink for building energy produced during summer.In the current work, several geometries of geothermalheat exchangers implemented in office building climatisationprojects are evaluated f
Eicker, U.; Schumacher, J.; Vorschulze, C.; Pietruschka, D.
The building sector is at present responsible for more than 40 % of the EU energy consumption.
Erhorn-Kluttig, H.; Erhorn, H.
In order to simplify the procedure for evaluating winter building energy performances, most of existing standard and rules make reference to the building energy balance under steady state conditions.
Ferrari, S.
This document aims to describe and present the energy efficient measures that are implemented in four dwellingsthat are currently under construction on the foothill of mountain Dionysos, northern of Athens (Greece).
Farrou, I.; Santamouris, M.; Pavlou, K.; Sfakianaki, K.; Petroulopoulou, H.; Lykouriotis, G.
