
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Der Leckageweg beeinflusst die Infiltrations- und Luftdruckbedingungen im Gebäude. Die Hauptzielsetzungen dieser Studie waren, die Verteilung der Leckageorte und der thermischen Brücken in Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäusern zu analysieren.
T. Kalamees, J. Kurnitski, M. Korpi, J. Vinha
In May 2006 the international measuring standard ISO 9972 was published. Itreplaces the first edition from the year 1996 and is in large parts identicall with theEN 13829:2000, which in Germany was published as DIN EN 13829 in February2001.
T. Bolender
A ‘standard’, as a quick look in a dictionary will tell us, is an ambiguous term: whereas technical standards refer to expertly developed and scientifically reasoned yardsticks for a comparative assessment of quality, legal standards refer to rule
D. Köpcke
Diese Studie berichtet über Lüftungsmessungen und die Ergebnisse von Bewohnerbefragungen von 102 neu errichteten Einfamilienhäusern in Finland.
J. Kurnitski, L. Eskola, J. Palonen, O. Seppänen
Thermography is a helpful means at the visualisation of leakages on the wind and airtightness level.
E. Panic
The interrelation between requirement and implementation and/or realization of theventilation technique is represented in fig. 9 exemplarily for a building, similar to theexample from DIN 4108 - 6 with and ventilated effective area by 205,6 m2.
W. Reiners
Sich ändernde Bedingungen der allgemeinen tschechischen Baupraxis führen zu einer ernsthafteren Berücksichtigung der auf die Luftdichtheit bezogenen Probleme - aus verschiedenen Gründen: - Einführung von empfohlenen n50-Werte in den tschechischen
J. Novak
Due to practiced building practice in the past decades the preservation of a sufficientroom air quality usually proved as unproblematic. The necessary air-change wasalready regularly ensured by the so called free ventilation of dwellings, i.e.
D. Lampe
Manufacturing and development processes in the electrical industry (microchips), thetechnology for smallest elements with high precision, the medical research and thefood technology as well as operating theatres require laboratories and/or areas w
S. Rolfsmeier
The investigation of the QHA (quality community timber construction anddevelopment, registered association) compare and evaluate by the example of a builtreference house the energetic and economic efficiency of current building servicessystems wit
R. Schmidt, R. Käser
The airtightness of buildings gains in importance ever more for the planning ofbuildings.
M. Kuhnhenne, M. Feldmann, B. Döring, S. Spranger
The test results of BlowerDoor test and thermographic inspection at a nursing home,an administration building and a sports-hall are presented.The nursing home was revised thermically.
K. Schwarz
Die Thermografie ist ein hilfreiches Mittel bei der Sichtbarmachung von Leckagen an der Wind- und Luftdichtheitsebene.
E. Panic
Low-energy buildings up to the passive house level slowly become generallyaccepted also in Tschechien, which is naturally connected with suitable ventilationstrategies.
J. Tywoniak, P. Kopecký
Bei der Herstellung kleinster Strukturen, z.B. in der Produktion von Mikroprozessoren, oder im klinischen Bereich, z.B. in Operationssälen, können sich folgenschwere Probleme durch Verunreinigungen in der Luft ergeben.
D. Jung
If you are asked now about us fully enumerate those standards that we would have to consider if we wanted to start building a house tomorrow, no one would probably report - and this despite the fact attend this conference loud construction experts
R. A. U. Köpcke
This study reports ventilation measurement and occupant questionnaire results fromnewly built 102 Finnish detached houses. The results show that ventilation units wereused constantly and the fan speed setting was changed very seldom.
J. Kurnitski, L. Eskola, J. Palonen, O. Seppänen
In zunehmendem Maße werden in Europa Dach- und Außenwandkonstruktionen aus Sandwichelementen mit metallischen Deckschichten und Dämmstoffkernen aus Polyurethan-Hartschaum oder Mineralwolle geplant und ausgeführt.
M. Kuhnhenne, M. Feldmann, B. Döring, S. Spranger, S.
Die Untersuchung der QHA (Qualitätsgemeinschaft Holzbau und Ausbau e.V.) vergleicht und bewertet am Beispiel an einem gebauten Referenzhaus die energetische und wirtschaftliche Effizienz aktueller Haustechniksysteme mit Wohnungslüftung.
R. Schmidt, R. Käser
