
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The provision of adequate naturally generated airflow is a vital component of energy-efficienthealthy buildings.
Z. Na. Ahmed
A minaret of a mosque, traditionally used as a high platform to deliver adhan (the call forprayer), has greatly lost its functional significance with the invention of loudspeakers.
S. M. Najmul Imam
In the course of laboratory investigation we examined the adaptability of naive panels onindoor air quality measurements. We made the investigation on a measuring team of 45participants.
L. Kajtár, T. Hrustinszky
This paper presents a comparison of the predicted and measured acoustic system effect induced by a box with a lateral opening at the inlet of an axial flow fan.
A. Guedel
The focus of this paper is on cost effectiveness of remedial measures for existing buildings in order to reduce high summer time indoor temperatures. A typical Finnish office building was selected for the analysis.
O. Seppänen, M. Vuolle
This paper is a description of the design process of a new generation low noise axial fan. The emphasis is on the practical use of acoustic knowledge issued from published work and engineer know-how.
C. Longet, F. Battistoni
This paper, the first of 2 parts, is dedicated to the analytical modeling of the broadband noise radiated by subsonic fans, such as encountered in HVAC or engine cooling applications.
M. Roger, S. Moreau
The analytical model described in the first part of the paper is partially validated here by comparing the theoretical results to experimental data collected in a series of model test experiments in an open-jet anechoic wind tunnel.
M. Roger, S. Moreau, A. Guedel
This paper is a sum-up of the work performed by CSTB, ADEME and the Ministry of Equipement in France to improve the energy performance of the huge ministry stock of buildings (10 000 buildings of different size and uses).
H. Vaezi-Nejad, J. Bouillon, L. Crozier, G. Guyot
In this paper the author develops the key factors that influence the performance of ventilation systems mainly in large office buildings. Information for the efficient operation of these systems is provided.
C.Y. Shaw
In developed countries, the concentrations of indoor pollutants are very similar to those outdoors. 3 basic strategies are proposed to reduce occupant exposure to indoor contaminants : 1. Building air tightening and pressure management2.
Santamouris M.
Capture hoods are the most common measuring method for volumetric air flows from exhaust. The hoods have been continuously improved in order to prevent some deviations from calibrated values.
O.M. Solheim
In Norway and Sweden's schools, hybrid or natural ventilation with ground-coupled fresh air intake ducts (or culverts) is the popular way of conditioning air.The ground-coupled ducts are normally made of concrete and easily accessible for ins
M. Mysen
Standard 62.2. is the first and only recognized Indoor Air Quality standard for residential buildings in United States. It provides a variety of ways to improve at minimal cost the indoor air quality.
M. Sherman
This paper is the summary of the 2003 AIVC/BETEC conference with its different parts: Health and Building Science, Building evaluation, Single-building studies, Experimentation, Building science, Strategies and New directions.
D. Grimsrud
This paper proposes a new hybrid model for automatic diagnostics and optimal supervisory control. Detailed physical parameters represent half of the model and identified parameters describe another half.
S. Wang , X. Xu
This paper after its first chapter about commissioning, presents the methodology used in the first re-commissioning phase of the CAMET HVAC system, with its principles and facts.Commissioning is a unique opportunity, for all partners concerned, to
P. André, C. Cuevas, P. Lacote, J. Lebrun
This paper points out the importance of control system in the overall operation of buildings and gives a description of practical issues in association with modern IT-oriented control systems.
T.I. Salsbury, A. Singhal
This paper presents a tool for manual commissioning of air handling units with the idea to combine the measurements with simulations. Thus the value of the measurements will increase.
J. Eriksson,
This paper is a presentation of a concept for a new automated tool that uses the capabilities of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS).
D. Choinière, M. Corsi
