
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Macroeconomic analyses indicate a high cost to society of a deteriorated indoor climate.
O. Seppänen, W.J. Fisk
This study calculates the effect of permeable hygroscopic structures on IAQ and thermalcomfort in a cold climate. Simulations are carried out for a detached house and application ofcriteria for assessment of indoor climate is given.
J. Kurnitski, A. Suursoho, J. Palonen
Life-cycle costs of investments for improving air quality in an office building were comparedwith the resulting revenues from increased office productivity; benefits from reduced healthcosts and sickness absence were not included.
P. Wargocki, R. Djukanovic
Regrettably, buildings often do not perform as expected or wanted by the users. Especiallywith regard to indoor environment, dissatisfaction is occurring frequently.
C. Cox
The Environmental Protection Department conducted a territory-wide indoor air qualitysurvey in Hong Kong. The report released in 1997 confirmed that one-third of the sampledbuildings were classified as sick buildings.
C.S. Wong, D. W.T. Chan, J. Burnett
Within the European funded project PeBBu (Performance-Based Building), a state-of-the-artreport on the performance-based building (PBB) approach with focus on healthy buildings isprepared.
M. G.L.C. Loomans, P. M. Bluyssen
A cleaning concept consists of an evaluation procedure for estimating the need of cleaning, atheoretical model to design a rotating duct cleaning brush, cleaning methods and a verificationmethod of the cleaning result of HVAC system.
R. Holopainen, V. Asikainen, P. Pasanen, A. Majanen, A. Seppälä, T. Jalonen, O. Seppänen
Building environmental performance evaluation should make use of a life cycle assessment(LCA) approach, by considering all building process phases: raw material acquisition,manufacture, transportation, construction, use or operation, decommissioni
Livio de Santoli, A. Sferra
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems play an important role formaintaining a healthy and comfort indoor climate for buildings.
B. Yu, W. de Jong, A.H.C. van Paassen
It is showed that side grinder produce significantly metal sheet dust onto the inner surfaces ofventilation ducts. New, cleaner installation method was developed in which shears are used asinstallation tools.
R. Alén, S.Kolari
Indoor air quality is one of the main factors, which affect indoor environment. Through analyzing indoor air quality (IAQ), 9 main factors have been established in this paper, such as temperature, wind speed and relative humidity, and so on.
F. Zhang , G. Jing , J. Song, Z. Li
A very important issue for all activities for better IAQ in Finland has been the introduction of theclassification guidelines for indoor air quality and climate.
E. Kukkonen
The Healthy Building Technology Programme was established in Finland to abolish thefactors causing building related problems as it was clearly seen that deficiencies in indoor airhad an economical importance even at the national level (Rantama, 20
K. Saarela
The German Federal Environmental Agency has published a ‘mould guide’, which aims at harmonizing procedures to investigate and evaluate indoor mould contamination.
R. Szewzyk, H.J Moriske, H.G. Muecke, B. Seifert
Klima ADE is a program for fast selection and calculation of air diffusion devices, which isbased on:- Design criteria for the thermal environment are based on EN ISO 7730 (optimaloperative temperature and maximum mean air velocity in occupied zon
E. Venko, B. Gantar
The scope of this paper is the definition of some indoor air quality health-based criteria forhealthy buildings.
M. Maroni, P. Carrer, D. Cavallo, M. della Torre, N. Boschi
Under the aspect of consumer protection different kinds of labelling systems for materialemissions have been developed in many European countries and by industrial organizations.Despite a common market there is no harmonized system for material em
S. Kephalopoulos, R. Augustin, C. Cochet, B. Seifert, M. Maroni, K. Saarela, D. Crump, P. Wolkoff, P. Leva, D. Kotzias
The stake of sustainable development is to ensure today's and future developments of awealthy and healthy society in a high quality environment.
C.-A. Roulet, N. Johner, F. Flourentzou, G. Greuter
To promote good indoor air quality (IAQ) and public awareness of its importance, theHKSAR Government has implemented an Indoor Air Quality Management Programme since2000.
A. K.L. Lam , J. W.Y. Fong
Toxicologically derived guidelines for the evaluation of VOC concentrations are still sparse.Therefore a schema is proposed for establishing target or intervention values which includesfollowing basics: i) Guidelines are derived from statistical v
H. Schleibinger, U. Hott, P. Braun, D. Marchl, H. Rueden
