
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this paper, an example of how to use the dynamic building and system simulation to design, determine and optimize the characteristics of a heating and cooling system of a school building in southern Germany, is presented.
O. Baumann
In this paper EIS (Energy Information System) is first defined, then 4 case studies are presented, one in detail because it is an example of high-end EIS and the other cases are summarized briefly.
N. Motegi, M.A. Piette, S. Kinney
Climate change is a long term battle that involves the whole international community. The need for better energy efficiency is obvious. The energy efficiency of the existing building stock must be improved.
J. Pietiläinen
A satisfying building commissioning depends on both using right models and using models right. Through 3 case studies, this paper shows how to use simulation models correctly, to commission HVAC systems.
Masato Miyata, Fulin Wang, Harunori Yoshida
The aim of that study was to carry out an air quality survey of 10 homes with flueless heaters fuelled by natural gas. Procedure, instrumentation and results are presented along with a comparison of survey date with guidelines.
Marks ST
The aim of that study is to produce guidance in adequate ventilation in new domestic buildings.
Crump D.
For that study, 200 children in Manchester were recruited to assess their asthma status, their indoor environment was analyzed.
Fletcher G., Tavernier G., Gee I., Watson A., Frank T., Frank P., Pickering C., Niven R.
This paper is a review of data collected in European dwellings on particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, dampness/mould and dust mites at home.
Simoni M., Scognamiglio A., Viegi G.
In developed countries, allergens, gas cooking and tobacco smoking represent a majorrisk, whereas in many developing countries wood stoves and indoor fuel cooking are moreimportant.Building-related illnesses represent another problem.
Bousquet J.
ETS has been recognized as a toxic agent in 1986 that could cause lung cancer, effect the pulmonary function, later on, other studies and surveys found association between ETS and asthma, with risk of coronary heart disease.
Donner C.F., Nardini S.
The author describes the most important indoor air related health determinants and a table gives information on the source characterisation of health determinants indoors, their control method along with examples of actions that could be taken by
Seppänen O.
This study aims to assess the relationship between building and allergen exposure, and between dwellings and pollutants enhancing allergen response. Kind of allergens and pollutants are described with their sources, and measured levels.
De Blay F., Vincent C. , N’Gom S., Casset A.
The aim of this 24 months' project is to create a European network in the area of indoor air pollution with the listing of priority substances to be regulated indoors, recommendations, legislation... at world scale.
Kotzias D.
To give some rules to the construction industry, a new standard on the ventilation was issued in Portugal (NP 1037-1:2002). This standard deals with natural ventilation.
Viegas J.C.
To MAP means "to make available to people", it is to communicate information in different parts of Europe, mainly to the professional.
Van Bronswijk J., Koren L., Pernot C.
This paper is the presentation of the authors'work in the THADE project. Their objective has been to review legislation and guidelines on air pollution and air quality in European dwellings and outside Europe too.
Carrer P., Rameckers E.
The author, basing on the present knowledge on healthy indoor air, asks for a reenforcement of indoor environment in Europe, without delay.
Franchi M.
The hypothesis that there is a vertical variation in mobile source-related volatile organic compound (VOC ) concentrations in high-rise apartment buildings is examined in that paper.
Wan-Kuen Jo, Ki-Young Kima, Kun-Ho Park, Yoo-Keun Kim, Hwa-woon Lee, Jong-Kil Park
The author advises a commitment to a philosophy of proactive preventive maintenance for home, apartment, school and commercial buildings.
Small BM
Fungi presence are often liked to the sick building syndrome. In this paper the authors describe two case studies on the role of fungi in the occurrence of SBS.
Straus DC, Cooley JD, Wong WC, Jumper CA
