
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The use of natural ventilation systems continues to be a popular feature in low energy, sustainable building design.
Sharples S., Chilengwe N.
This paper deals with the real behavior of a humidity controlled air inlet, regarding to relative humidity and temperature.
Jardinier L., Jardinier M., Savin J.J., Siret F.
Ventilation and comfort assessment of buildings is not a new practice in post occupancy evaluation (POE) of buildings.
Luther M.B., Ilozor B.D.
Natural night ventilation and an earth-to-air heat exchanger are applied in the low-energy office building ‘SD Worx’ in Kortrijk (Belgium).
Breesch H., Bossaer A., Janssens A.
In France, in non residential buildings, these systems are generally controlled by either a CO2 sensor or optical movement detection (infrared).The part of the study we present here was to determine :- laboratory tests methods to assess the perfor
Villenave J.G., Bernard A.M., Lemaire M.C.
For energy savings, DCV systems are more and more used in ventilation systems. In France, in nonresidential buildings, these systems are generally controlled by either a CO2 sensor, or an opticalmovement detection (infrared).
Bernard A.M., Villenave J.G., Lemaire M.C.
For energy savings, DCV systems are more and more used in ventilation systems but toestimate their energy savings, variation of occupation in the building (in time and number ofperson) must be estimated.
Bernard A.M., Villenave J.G., Lemaire M.C.
During the cold seasons, it is possible to use ambient air to cool down the coolants in air-conditioning or other refrigeration applications. Applying this free cooling reduces the energy costs of a refrigeration machine.
Sarkomaa P., Kaikko J.
The peak electrical demand of office building VAV systems will be reduced by about 1.2 Kw/1000 Ft2 by employing an Integrated Systems Demand Control Technology (ISDCT) sequence to reduce peak intake flow by about 56%.Supply, return, and exhaust fa
David P.W., Solberg P.E.
For historical and demographical reasons, in many European countries, an important part of educational building must be retrofitted.
Adra N., cantin R., Guarracino G.
Many recently developed energy-reducing strategies with respect to heat loads in residential interiorsincluded in simulation programs possess extensive capabilities in handling these loads (gains orsinks) for each zone - spatial unit designed for
Hach L., Katoh Y., Murata H.
The control industry integrates more and more recent innovations, especially on the sector of communication networks (bus), control (fuzzy logic, neural networks...) and informatics (hard-and software) for the development of Building Automation an
Husaundee A., Jreijiry D., Millet J.R., Villenave J.G., Visier J.C.
For the building team, the design of library, archives and museum facilities brings with it special responsibilities. Archive and conservation facilities require the highest levels of preservation and maintenance of the building environment.
Kline W., fugate S.
Research partners of 10 different countries are developing a computer tool in the framework of IEA ECBCS Annex 36, which helps decision makers to include the most energy-efficient and economic technical retrofit measures into the retrofit of their
Erhorn H., Kluttig H., Woessner S.
The study reviewed each Code/Standard with respect to requirements relating to acommon set of ventilation factors and criteria. The main factors include the following:1.
Hockman J.L.
A concept is investigated for the energy efficient control of residential mechanical ventilation in response to outdoor air temperature and the corresponding stack-driven infiltration.
Temple K.A., Holton J.K.
In France, ventilation in new residential buildings must be designed and dimensioned according to the Health regulation (Arrêté du 24 mars 1982) which is basically based on required extract air flow rates.
J.R. Millet, J.G. Villenave
Carbon-dioxide (CO2) based demand controlled ventilation (DCV) offers the potential for moreenergy efficient building ventilation compared with constant ventilation rates based on designoccupancy.
A. Persily, A. Musser, S. Emmerich, M. Taylor
In France, most of the public project managers have collective dwellings built in the 70’s 80’s with first generation mechanical ventilation systems.
Blazy M., Bernard A.M., Carrié F.R.
In moderate climates, adventitious ventilation helps in keeping the water vapor balance in a building under control. This does not hold in hot and humid climates, where the outside air is a moisture source.
Hens H., Houvenaghel G.
