
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Measurements of metabolic carbon dioxide concentration made in four classrooms in two schools are reported for both occupied and unoccupied periods.
Beisteiner A., Coley D.A.
The ventilated ceiling is a flexible solution for kitchen ventilation where heat loads are relatively low and aesthetics is a concern.
Kosonen R., Mustakallio P.
A Moisture Admittance Model, which takes into account absorption and desorption, has been developed to simulate moisture behaviour in dwellings.
Plathner P., Ross D.
This paper examines the impact on domestic background air infiltration of replacing ‘old windows’ with modern double-glazed and draught sealed windows, both with and without controllable ventilation (e.g. trickle ventilators).
Ridley I., Fox J., Oreszczyn T., Hong S.H.
The demand for buildings with high quality indoor environments is growing, especially in developing countries, where more and more energy will be consumed in the near future.
Liu Y.,Moser A.
Passive stack ventilation systems have been used for a number of years throughout the world. They were specifically mentioned within the 1995 revision of the Building Regulations for England and Wales as a means of compliance.
Edwards R.
This paper is based on the results of Subtask B of the HybVent Project. It presents a critical review of the literature and recent developments in analysis methods for natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings.
Li Y., Heiselberg P.
Climatisation and natural ventilation concepts are today, in most countries, considered to be an essential aspect of the building project. In fact they are utilised to guarantee summer thermal comfort and indoor air quality control.
Principi P., Di Perna C., Ruffini E.
A hybrid ventilation system combines both mechanical and natural ventilation modes.
Gritzki R., Richter W., Rösler M.
This study, which formed part of the Annex 35 Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Office Buildings project, was completed at LEPTAB and supported by the French Research Ministry and the ADEME (Agence De lEnvironnement et de la Matrise de lEn
Cron F., Inard C., Belarbi R.
Twenty five cellular offices in the Wilkinson Building at the University of Sydney, Australia are ventilated through operable windows and doors and have been retrofitted with a supplementary reverse cycle cooling/heating system with an occupant co
Rowe D.
The paper presents examples of hybrid ventilation and control strategies in office and educational buildings from the IEA ECBCS Annex 35 HybVent case studies.
Aggerholm S.
This paper focuses on hybrid ventilation performance in an office building. It presents measurement results from the new headquarters of the company Bang & Olufsen, which served as one of the case study buildings in IEA ECBCS Annex 35.
Brohus H.,Frier C., Heiselberg P.
The wind approaching a building provided with openings has to make a choice; i.e. either to flow around the building or to flow through the openings.
Jan Jensen True J.J., Sandberg M., Heiselberg P., Nielsen P.V.
This paper examines the performance of a large new multi storey building which relies exclusively on natural ventilation. The building is designed to provide the main library and associated functions for Coventry University.
Simons M.W., Maloney B.J.
The problem of the hygienic state of air-conditioning installations in many countries is still treated with limited attention and, in general, this issue is disregarded both when systems are designed and when the maintenance of already operating s
Charkowska A.
The aim of this work is to investigate turbulent air flows, through measurements inside railway coaches employed for the transport of sick persons.
A. de Lieto Vollaro, P. Gori , A. Vallati
The efficiency of an exhaust system is especially important in a kitchen environment in which the exhaust is located at ceiling level.
Kosonen R., Mustakallio P.
The behaviour of particles in air flow is important for identifying those in various locations in ventilated space.
Einberg G., Holmberg S.
Data exchange is the process by which information is transferred between the engineer and software and between one piece of software and another.
Holmes M.J., Davies G.M.J.
