
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The characteristics of a hybrid air-conditioning system, utilising natural and mechanical 'task' ventilation, are investigated in an office setting.
Hyunjae Chang, Shinsuke Kato, Tomoyuki Chikamoto
To accurately estimate the natural wind driven ventilation potential of a specific low rise building in a densely shielded or built-up area under local wind conditions, it is necessary to have site wind frequency data, pressure coefficient data, d
Bin Su
The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the main fluid mechanics parameters in the exit region of three different terminal systems commonly used for controlled environments such as clean rooms or operating theatres.
Angioletti M., Di Tommaso R.M., Martinelli S., Nino E.
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) modelling of particle transport has been applied for the control of airborne particles in the operating zone above the surgery table in an operating room.
Liu Y., Moser A., Harimoto K.
The 3DFLOW code has been developed based on: · The standard three-dimensional K-epsilon two-equation turbulence model; · A modification for buoyancy effects; · Wall functions applied to deal with solid boundary conditions;
An-Gui Li, Phillip Jones, Zhen Bua, Qiang Zhang
In computer simulations of buildings and other structures, in relation to HVAC and fire, it is fairly common to need to represent boundaries which are made up of double semi-transparent membranes. An obvious example is a double-glazed window.
Yehuda Sinai
Creating a computer model that is able to simulate different ventilation scenarios within a structure is essential for improving the understanding of passive designs that are both sustainable and environmentally acceptable.
Chawynski G., Naser J., McManus K. AM
The wind and buoyancy pressure driving forces for natural ventilation of buildings are very low, typically less than 10 Pa.
Chilengwe N., Sharples S.
This paper reports on a field investigation of the effect of screening on the induced flow rate in solar chimneys. The solar chimney considered here was a roof solar collector (RSC).
Hirunlabh J., Piamwongjit P., Teekasap S.,Khedari J.
This paper describes an analysis using the BRE Pollution Dispersion Wind Tunnel to estimate pollution concentration patterns on buildings in urban arrays due to local line sources of pollution, typical of vehicular traffic emissions.
Hall D.J., Sharples H., Walker S., Kukadia V..
The present paper aims at investigating the indoor air quality in fifteen school buildings located in the greater Athens area.
Synnefa A.,. Polichronaki E., Papagiannopoulou E, Santamouris M., Mihalakakou G., Doukas P.,Siskos P.A., Bakeas E., Dremetsika A., Geranios A., Delakou A.
During the last two decades the significance of indoor environmental quality in buildings has been appreciated, not only in relation to thermal comfort, but also to indoor air quality.
Papadopoulos A. M. , Avgelis A.
This study simulated the performance of various mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems, incorporating heat recovery, in a typical Finnish residential apartment building.
Jokisaloa J., Kurnitskia J., Vuolle M., Torkki A.
This paper investigates the effectiveness of a Purging System in a high-rise office building in Singapore with the aim of improving indoor air quality.
Sekhar SC, Cheong, D., Wai TK, Leng P.B.
Terrorist attack in buildings by chemical and biological agents (CBAs) is a reality in our lives.
Zhai Z., Srebric J. Chen Q.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is conducting a study on the indoor air quality (IAQ) impacts and engineering solutions related to the transport of pollutants from attached garages to residential living spaces.
Emmerich S.J. , Gorfain J.E. , Howard C.
Global Information Systems (GIS) are being used to provide data on a wide range of environmental issues, and in the area of climate studies they are being used to determine zones of towns and cities where there are good or poor external environmen
Ward I.C.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential economical benefits of reducedsummer time temperatures in an office building. We selected for the study, a typical officebuilding in downtown Helsinki.
J. Smolander., J.Palonen., M. Tuomainen, P. Korhonen, O. Seppänen
The indoor temperature can be controlled with different levels of accuracy depending on thebuilding and its HVAC system.
O. Seppänen., W. J. Fisk., D. Faulkner
The adverse health effects and costs of IAQ problems could be reduced significantly with proper use and maintenance of buildings and early detection and remediation of problems.Dissemination of information is the key to these savings.
J. Säteri
