
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper describes four simulation models, which reproduce energy and temperature measurements of occupied buildings very well.
U.D.J. Gieseler, F.D. Heidt, W. Bier
Copious amounts of data are generated by contemporary building simulation (BS) programs and the translation of these data to information that may be acted upon is problematic.
Prazeres L and Clarke J A
Building and HVAC system design can significantly improve if numerical optimization is used. However, if a cost function that is smooth in the design parameter is evaluated by a building energy simulation program, it usually becomes replaced with
Michael Wetter and Jonathan Wright
Cyprus is an island in the Eastern Mediterranean. Its climate is characterised by abundant sunshine and by moderate to heavy winter conditions.
Soteris Kalogirou, George Florides and Evangelos Evangelou
Speech intelligibility is a major concern in mosque acoustical design. Diverse mosque geometric configurations exist varying from the classical rectangle to the octagon-shaped plan.
Adel A. Abdou
Building design and operation processes can be supported by many kinds of models, from traditional architectural scale models to computer-generated virtual buildings.
Ardeshir Mahdavi
This   paper   summarizes   a   PhD project   that   is currently under completion at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Building Physics Group.
P. de Wilde and M. van der Voorden
This paper is part of continuing research aimed at exploring the relationship between the amount of solar radiation received by a curved roof and its geometrical configurations.
Ahmed A. B. Elseragy, Mohamed B. Gadi
Convective  air  circulation  occurring  through  wall layers is frequently observed in building envelopes.
Chebil S., Galanis N., Zmeureanu R
The necessity of focus on more large integration of passive concepts for indoor climate conditioning is today a reality.
Yasmine Mansouri, Francis Allard, Marjorie Musy
There is a growing need for more complex control of ventilation systems to satisfy energy and environmental issues. SIMBAD Toolbox (SIMulator of Buildings And Devices), developed in the SIMULINK graphical environment is a library of HVAC component
David Jreijiry, Ahmad Husaunndee, Christian Inard, Jean Georges Villenave
A method of simulating the interaction between an architectural environment and human action in the environment is described.
Haruyuki Fujii and Jun Tanimoto
As part of the application of optimal control to smart façade systems (SFS) with motorized Venetian blinds inside the glass enclosed cavity, we investigate the rapid determination of daylighting quantity  and quality obtainable from these systems.
Cheol-Soo Park, Godfried Augenbroe, Tahar Messadi
The objective of this paper is to model the double skin façade in order to determine the thermal and flow performance and to find out how the façade should be combined with the HVAC system inside of the building.
Wojtek Stec, Dolf van Paassen
DElight  is  a  simulation  engine  for  daylight  and electric lighting system analysis in buildings.
Robert J. Hitchcock and William L. Carroll
The  design  for  the  new Federal  Building  for  San Francisco includes an office tower that is to be naturally ventilated.
Carrilho da Graça G., Linden P. F., Mcconahey E., Haves P.
The  paper  describes  the  use  of  the  theory  of tolerances in thermal network models that are built as electric circuits. A principle of the method and main equations are given.
Dalibor Vytlacil
This paper describes the development of a design tool for the calculation of the thermal energy potential of a so-called asphalt collector.
Marcel Loomans, Henk Oversloot, Arian de Bondt, Rob Jansen and Hans van Rij
The Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago conducted an energy assessment of the John G. Shedd Aquarium and Oceanarium to increase the energy efficiency of the facility, while decreasing the operating costs.
Christine E. Walker and Michael J. Chimack
People that work in office buildings have new needs in terms of comfort within their work place. We suggest to develop a multicriteria office cell façade, allowing to control luminous, thermal and airflow parameters.
Virginie Meunier and Marjorie Musy
