
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The aim of the European SSHORT (Sustainable Social Housing Refurbishment Technologies) project is to increase and promote rational and efficient use of energy in the retrofitting of social housing buildings. In this scope, one step was to develop
Kari Alanne, Krzysztof Klobut
This article presents a mathematical model that provides explicit support for preserving the consistency between decisions made at various points during building performance analysis. Analytical Target Cascading, a multilevel engineering design op
Ruchi Choudhary, Ali Malkawi, Panos Y. Papalambros
Computer based modeling tools were used to examine the hygrothermal environment inside a heavy-masonry historic building experiencing crypto-efflorescence damage to its moisture-laden brick vault.
Sung H. Hong, Ian Ridley and Tadj Oreszczyn
This paper presents the development of a simulation tool based on the Matlab computational environment for building temperature performance analysis with automatic control.
Mendes N, Oliveira G H C, Araújo H X and Coelho L S
This paper presents a methodology to analyse the thermal loads of non-residential buildings based on simplified weather data, which are available for 206 Brazilian locations.
Fenando Simon Westphal and Roberto Lamberts
The low-flow solar water heater – from 7 litres/hour to 15 litres/hour per solar collector area – is the most promising way for improving the solar water heater performance.
Lana Kenjo, Dominique Caccavelli, Christian Inard
Air supply diffusers used in air-conditioning systems can be classified as ceiling diffusers, sidewall diffusers, floor diffusers, jet nozzles, and low velocity displacement diffusers.
H.T. Xu, and J.L. Niu
The current work presents features of an air-underfloor heating system and CFD model to predict velocity and temperature distribution. The paper describes the constructions of air-underfloor heat exchangers.
Miroslaw Zukowski
During the last years much interest has been paid to Low Temperature Systems, i.e.
F. Currò Dossi, M. De Carli, R. Del Bianco, F. Fellin, M. Tonon, R. Zecchin
We present a representational framework for the integrated operation of multiple environmental systems in buildings. A methodology for the automatic generation of this framework is introduced.
Kristie Bosko Mertz and Ardeshir Mahdavi
The primary aim of the present study was to evaluate thermal storage performance of the storage medium embedded with metal fins and to prepare and accumulate design data.
Koji Sakai, Masaki Manabe, Hitoshi Yamazaki and Syoichi Kojima
This study discusses charging and discharging performance in building thermal mass storage systems. Building thermal mass storage systems utilize the thermal masses of the beams and the concrete floor slab to absorb cool energy that is produced us
Hisaya Ishino
This study develops a simplified estimation method for calculating the effective opening area of automatically operated entrance doors and the winter airflow rate into entrance halls due to the stack effect.
Kimiko Kohri
When applying the radiant floor cooling system, it is important to prevent condensation on the floor surface. To solve this problem, a radiant floor cooling system integrated with the dehumidification system has been proposed and evaluated.
Jae-Han Lim, Myoung-Souk Yeo and Kwang-Woo Kim
Many studies have been performed on floor heating systems.
Aiko Kobayashi and Kimiko Kohri
Validation is the key when attempting to instill confidence in a building simulation tool.
Julia Purdy and Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
The paper presents the advanced use of S-Functions, facilitated by the Matlab/SimuLink environment.
A.W.M. (Jos) van Schijndel and M.H. (Martin) de Wit
For many buildings, continuous operation of the air conditioning system is not necessary for achieving thermal comfort during the occupied periods. Depending on the building's thermal and operational characteristics the air conditioning system may
Ismail M. Budaiwi
Conventional building control systems usually apply central control schemes that do not fully address individual occupancy differences in built environmental requirements.
ZhengChun Mo Ardeshir Mahdavi
In order to reduce the environmental load (energy and materials) of buildings, a study was undertaken to develop and assess solutions for a dynamic, weather and daytime adaptable office façade. The following steps have been taken:
S.C. Jansen, R.M.J. Bokel, A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen, M. van der Voorden
