
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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With the advancement of technology, and with the widespread availability  of  simulation  tools,  we  are forced to consider which simulation tool would be appropriate for a particular problem.
E. Djunaedy, J.L.M. Hensen, M.G.L.C. Loomans
The computer software AUSSSM TOOL, originating from the methodology of the revised-Architectural- Urban-Soil-Simultaneous Simulation Model (revised-AUSSSM), was developed by adopting the Graphical User Interface (GUI) features to support users, wh
Jun Tanimoto, Aya Hagishima, Parichart Chimklai
A set of geometry translation tools and capabilities have been developed to increase base efficiencies in the simulation of both the internal and external environment of buildings.
Michael Still
This   paper   presents   a   district   energy   system simulation model in which the energy flow of a district is modeled as the sum of total energy flow in each building.
Yohei Yamaguchi, Yoshiyuki Shimoda, and Minoru Mizuno
This   paper   describes   a   simulation   model   for predicting end-use energy in residential sectors of a city or region.
Yoshiyuki Shimoda, Takuro Fujii, Takao Morikawa and Minoru Mizuno
DIAL-Europe  is  the  final  product  of  a  three  year European project that ended in March 2003.
Ellie de Groot, Laurens Zonneveldt, Bernard Paule
In the context of a european project dealing with the issue of transport safety improvement in fog conditions, an experimental building has been constructed on the FUL campus, in the southern part of Belgium.
Philippe Andre, Nick Kelly, Jean-Jacques Boreux, Patrick Lacote, Christophe Adam
Recent  advances  in  mathematical  models,  computer processors and OOP compilers have been motivating the development of the Domus program for whole-building hygrothermal simulation.
Nathan Mendes, Ricardo C.L.F. Oliveira and Gerson Henrique dos Santos
There is a need for Dutch design support tools for building services that can be used in early design stages. TNO Building and Construction Research has therefore initiated the research project described here.
Wim Maassen, Ellie de Groot and Maarten Hoenen
Building energy simulation is playing an increasingly important role in building energy codes. This paper investigates the important underlying issues affecting the use of building energy simulation for enhancing building energy codes.
Sam C. M. Hui
External  shading  devices  have  been  utilized  very extensively in residential buildings in the tropics to reduce the amount of solar radiation entering into the buildings.
Wong Nyuk Hien, Agustinus Djoko Istiadji
This paper presents a computational environment for performance-based integrated building enclosure de- sign and control support.
Ardeshir Mahdavi and Prechaya Mahattanatawe
New Dutch office buildings are built under strict energy efficient legislation and well equipped with insulation, condensing boilers, heat recovery systems, etc. Despite this, many buildings don’t perform as energy efficiently as expected.
Wim Plokker, Bert Elkuizen, Henk Peitsman
This   study   investigates   the   energy   exchanges occurring in the volume and on the surface of water ponds and their influence on energy consumption of building.
Mirela Robitu, Christian Inard, Marjorie Musy, Dominique Groleau
A  new parameter   e (0≤e≤1),  called  coefficient  of performance, is introduced, whose value quantifies the suitability of the distribution of resistive and capacitive layers in a multi-layer wall, within problems concerning thermal building-pla
Mario Ciampi, Francesco Leccese and Giuseppe Tuoni
The balance between the energy efficient thermal comfort and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in healthcare facilities is the main aim of this paper. The present paper will present this balance from the viewpoint of the air conditioning design.
Ramiz Kameel, Essam E. Khalil
The present paper describes the development of a method where simulations combined with measurement of parameters for each apartment such as temperatures and relative humidity in the exhaust air and electricity consumption, are used as a basis for
Gen Fujii, Gudni Jóhannesson
We present a method, a model and a simple design tool for evaluating the construction, investment and energy costs of different possible design alternatives for grouping apartment units into a multifamily residential building.
Guedi Capeluto, Abraham Yezioro, Daniel Gat and Edna Shaviv
This paper will address the shortcomings of typical heat balance-based HVAC design and analysis software when applied to thermal displacement ventilation (TDV) system design.
Thomas A. Lunneberg
This   paper   demonstrates   an   experience   in   the development  of  a  design  performance  evaluation system that can frequently evaluate building design performance within the design process in a real-time manner.
Jin Won Choi and Jae Wan Park
