
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The  software  Sim_Zonal  is  a  tool  for  evaluating indoor temperature and air flow distributions for residential and office buildings.
Etienne Wurtz, Francis Deque, Laurent Mora
The    performances  of  air  conditioning  equipments, like heat pumps, chillers or air conditioners, derive not only from the operative thermal levels, but also from the building requirement trend which normally involves frequent reductions of t
Ernesto Bettanini, Alessio Gastaldello, Luigi Schibuola
The  non-uniform  behavior  of  the  air  inside  a room, which is important in comfort analysis, can be evaluated by zonal models.
L. Mora, K.C. Mendonça, E. Wurtz, and C. Inard
The barriers to simulation deployment in design practice are well documented.
McElroy L. B., Elrick B. F., Grant R., Telfer S. D., Elliot G. A.
A computer-model is used to simulate the evacuation of the occupants in a building.
Ronald Oldengarm
HVAC systems that supply both space heating and domestic hot water are becoming more popular in residential buildings In North America.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Kamel Haddad
A   two-level   analysis   was   used   to   study   the economic potential of implementing Building Cooling, Heating and Power (BCHP) technologies in the U.S.
Marek Czachorski, Jaroslav Wurm
We consider a strictly three-dimensional modeling technique as a basis for numerical simulations. Applications range from
Christoph van Treeck, Richard Romberg, Ernst Rank
This paper presents a simulation study employed for the optimization of the building envelope for a new university building located in Montreal (latitude 450N).
Athanassios Tzempelikos and Andreas K. Athienitis
Air  infiltration  through  revolving doors may have significant impact on the heating load of commercial and institutional spaces, and may create discomfort to people. This paper modifies a 40-year old model by Schutrum et al.
Hanneke van Schijndel, Radu Zmeureanu, Ted Stathopoulos
Hourly energy simulation  was used in combination with a life cycle assessment framework to model the environmental effects of energy consumption in buildings.
Ayat Osman and Robert Ries
The rapidly developing Internet broadband network offers new opportunities for deploying a range of energy, environment and health-related services for people in their homes and workplaces.
J A Clarke, S Conner, V Geros, C M Johnstone, S Karatasou, J Kim, M Santamouris and P A Strachan
This paper describes the application of a building simulation program to construct a decision-support tool for use by policy makers addressing the needs of the Scottish  domestic housing  sector.
Clarke J. A., Johnstone C. M., Lever M., McElroy L. B., McKenzie F., Peart G., Prazeres L. and Strachan P. A.
The   sky   view   factor   indicates   the   relationship between the visible area of the sky and the area covered by urban structures.
Léa C.L.Souza, Daniel S. Rodrigues, José F.G. Mendes
Skylights   can   offer   useful   benefits  in  reducing building energy consumption and improving building occupants satisfaction.
A. Laouadi, A. Galasiu, M. Atif, A. Haqqani
This  article  presents  a  one-dimensional  model  of spray vaporization that can be easily used in thermal performance simulations of buildings.
Antonio César S. Baptista da Silva, José A. Bellini da Cunha Neto, Roberto Lamberts
The aim of the European SSHORT (Sustainable Social Housing Refurbishment Technologies) project is to increase and promote rational and efficient use of energy in the retrofitting of social housing buildings.
N.Chatagnon, C. Dalibart, S. Karjalainen, K. Klobut, I. Koronaki, P. Puccetti
Consoclim is a building energy simulation software package which aims to simplify the input data. The building is modelled by only one capacity and five resistances.
S. Roujol, E. Fleury, D. Marchio, J.R. Millet, P. Stabat
The Design Analysis Integration (DAI)-Initiative aims to steer towards new solutions for design analysis integration.
Godfried Augenbroe, Pieter de Wilde, Hyeun Jun Moon, Ali Malkawi, RohiniBrahme and Ruchi Choudhary
The  purpose  of  this  research  is  to  develope  a simplified method to predict the relationship between the design of architecture envelope and the air- conditioning load in Taiwan.
Hsien-Te Lin, Wang, Jen-Chun
