
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This  article  introduces  the  modelling  of  the  split system (room air conditioner) with a continuous action controller for a building energy simulation. This model shows a way to calculate the energy consumption, the sensible and latent cooli
Gottfried Knabe and Huu-Thoi Le
The  design  choice  for  any wall  system must  be integrated with some moisture engineering analysis.
Achilles N. Karagiozis, Mikael Salonvaara, Andreas Holm and Hartwig Kuenzel
The  combined  MatLab  toolboxes  FemLab  and Simulink are evaluated as solvers for problems based on partial differential equations (PDEs).
A.W.M. (Jos) van Schijndel
Approximately 60 percent of the weight of all wastes in Germany originates from the building area. For construction activities usually non-renewable resources are used.
Frank Neuberg, Ernst Rank, Christian Ekkerlein, Martin Faulstich
Environmental  masterplanning  is  an  increasingly vibrant area of research and development activity.
D Robinson, S Stankovic, N Morel, F Deque, M Rylatt, K Kabele, E Manolakaki, J Nieminen
This paper describes the results of a German research project, where a CAAD-program (Computer Architectural Aided Design) was integrated with two energetic building simulation programs to a software package for calculating and optimising the energ
Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, Carsten Klempin, J. Nunez v. Voigt, Jorg Radler
A module for ice-based thermal energy storage (TES) systems has been developed and integrated within EnergyPlus.
Pyeongchan Ihm, Moncef Krarti, Gregor Henze
An optimization module is developed and incorporated within EnergyPlus. As an application of the optimization module, improved controls are determined for building passive thermal energy storage inventory.
G. Zhou, P. Ihm, M. Krarti, S. Liu and G.P. Henze
This paper presents the background, approach and initial results of a project, which aims to  achieve better integrated building and systems control modeling in building performance simulation by run- time coupling of distributed computer programs
Azzedine Yahiaoui, Jan Hensen, Luc Soethout
SEMPER, which was originally developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), is an active, multi-domain, space-based, object-oriented design support tool for integrated building performance computing.
K.P.Lam, N.H.Wong, A.Mahdavi, Z.J.Kang, K.K.Chan, S.Gupta, A.Ranjith
The   Loop   Equation   Design   Method   has   been proposed for sizing ventilation airflow components of natural and hybrid ventilation systems.
Steven J. Emmerich and W. Stuart Dols
The paper is discussing problems of modelling of those elements in low-energy building design process.
Karel Kabele,Michal Kabrhel
The   Industry   Foundation   Classes   (IFC)   has established a standard for defining interchangeable data formats among various computer models in  Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) domains.
K.P. Lam, N.H. Wong, L.J. Shen, A. Mahdavi, E. Leong, W. Solihin, K.S. Au and Z.J. Kang
This   article   presents   a   simulation   method   for predicting the long-term energy performance of a central air-conditioning system serving interior zones of buildings with similar daily cooling load profiles.
Renat Manassypov
We define building systems as systems that not only consist of the load bearing building structure and its environment, the service systems (installations), and the control systems, but also include building usage and users.
Gerhard Zimmermann
Whole building simulation may play a key role in the optimization and assessment of the market potential of new building components.
Vítor Leal, Eduardo Maldonado, Evyatar Erell and Yair Etzion
This paper describes modelling and simulation of a space with radiant cooling ceiling (CC). The computer model represents a      test chamber,  which is located in a laboratory of  the  Department of Environmental   Engineering in Prague.
Vladimír Zmrhal, Jan Hensen and František Drkal
In tropical humid climate, thermal environment can be controlled using natural ventilation.
Jachet - Fleurence I. and Woloszyn P.
Present  international  standard  for  thermal  comfort such as ASHRAE Standard 55 and ISO 7730 were developed to serve as a guideline for moderate thermal environments e.g. mechanically air- conditioned spaces [CEN ISO 1995].
Henry Feriadi, Wong Nyuk Hien
The aim of the presented work is to refine the ESP-r system by incorporating phase change materials (PCM) modelling. The behaviour of PCMs is modelled using ESP-r’s special materials facility.
Heim D. and Clarke J. A.
