
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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For the multi-room ventilation calculations, bi- directional flows or counter flows in openings have been rarely taken into consideration and only uni-directional flows have been allowed for the calculation.
Katsumichi Nitta
In  an  existing  integrated  building  design  tool, BSim2002, a 3D building model can be created. The model can be used for thermal simulation, but also for other purposes, e.g.
Karl Grau, Kim B. Wittchen and Christian Grau Sørensen
In this paper an approach for pre-calculating building façade incident irradiance levels under a typical, yet computationally complex, external shading device with state-of-the-art ray tracing simulation techniques is presented.
Milan Janák
In building simulation, as in several other domains, traditional monolithic simulation codes are still in dominance over simulators based on symbolic equations in a general modeling language.
Per Sahlin, Lars Eriksson, Pavel Grozman, Hans Johnsson, Alexander Shapovalov and Mika Vuolle
This paper presents a study of windbreak sheltering effect on the outdoor open space using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques and the wind tunnel experiments carried out for validating the CFD models.
Wei Li, Fan Wang, Simon Bell
  RESHYVENT: Cluster Project on Demand Contro lled Hybrid Ventilation in Residential Buildings with Specific Emphasis on the Integration of Renewables 
P. Wouters, N. Heijmans, X . Loncour, Ch. Delmotte
Ventilation is required to provide to remove or dilute pollutants and incidentally meets metabolic oxygen requirements for occupants.
Concannon P.
RESHVENT: Cluster Project on Demand Controlled Hybrid Ventilation in Residential Buildings with Specific Emphasis on the Integration of Renewables 
Peter G. Schild
VENSET is a VENtilation Sytems Evaluation Tool for dwellings and is the final result of IEA Annex 27 evaluation and demonstration of domestic ventilation systems.The main idea for this annex was to develop tools to better evaluate domestic ventila
Mansson L.G.
Describes a research and development project that has been started in order to generate design guidelines for PER walls. The three tasks covered are computer modelling, experimental evaluation and development of design guidelines.
Rousseau J
Explores how water gets into a structure, why it doesn't leave, and how these architectural flaws become HVAC problems.
Lstiburek J
States that it is difficult to achieve good mixing in a large space and that the usual methods to evaluate the ventilation system in such large spaces with the age of air measured by tracer gas is not often practicable.
Chow W K, Fung W Y, Wong L T
Describes a new multicriteria analysis of ventilation during summertime in Europe.
Blondeau P, Sperandio M, Allard F
Describes how a fully furnished two storey test house was used to perform an experimental study of tracer gas dispersion and airborne moisture movement. The test used two multizone models to simulate the experimental data.
Plathner P, Woloszyn M
A study of passive ventilation of a one storey detached building. A hot element of the building, heated by solar energy, induces the air flow. It could be part of a roof or a wall, or a chimney drawing air into the building.
Zisking G, Dubovsky V, Letan R
Makes a comparison between the effects on thermal performance and energy use of a number of pre-cooling and ventilation strategies, suitable for use to reduce peak power demands in office buildings in moderate temperature regions.
Becker R, Paciuk M
A performance evaluation of two passive cooling strategies is presented: daytime ventilation and night cooling, for a six storey apartment building in Beijing and Shanghai, China.
Carrilho da Graca G, Chen Q, Glicksman L R, Norford L K
Describes a study which examined the effect of temperatures of 23, 29, and 50 Deg C on formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission from laminate flooring Type A (with particleboard as substrate) and Type B (with high density fibre
Wiglusz R, Sitko E, Nikel G, Jarnuszkiewicz I, Igielska B
The objectives of this research were to predict contaminant concentration distribution in occupied zone and contaminant removal efficiency as a function of an occupied zone obstruction level, air distribution method, air change rate, cooling load
Hagstrom K, Zhivov A M, Siren K, Christianson L L
Presents a comparative study of four different types of solar wall, with the results obtained using a numerical simulation model. The model was validated using an experimental study of a composite solar wall.
Zalewski L, Lassue S, Duthoit B, Butez M
