
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

Experiments and calculations were operated to determine air flow distribution in a test room (9.9 m2) naturally ventilated through adjustable louvers overlooking outside.
Eftekhari M M, Marjanovic L D, Holmes M, Hanby V
This study is a part of the Finnish contribution to the HYBVENT project (Annex 35 of IEA).
Heinonen J S, Vuolle M, Heikkinen J, Seppänen O
The coupled thermal/airflow simulation software CONTAM97R was used to evaluate the performance of a naturally ventilated office building recently build in Entschede (The Netherlands), for which detailed measurements results within the Natvent proj
Axley J W, Emmerich S J, Walton G N
A CFD code was used to study an office equipped with a radiant cooled ceiling and a wind-induced cross-ventilation system. Calculations covered several heights of the ceiling.
Song D, Kato S, Kim T, Murakami S
Relationships between research about indoor and outdoor air quality are reviewed. The author mentions that outdoor air pollution has attached greater regulatory interest, although people spend more time indoors.
Mauderly J
Three measuring techniques have been compared for evaluation of the surface duct level in ventilation ducts : vacuum test, gravimetric tape method, optical tape method.
Holopainen R, Asikainen V, Pasanen P, Seppanen O
Conditions of human thermal comfort was studied as function of the following parameters : dry bulb temperature (22.8 to 27.8 °C), relative humidity (20 to 65%), air velocity (0.15 and 0.25 m/s) and activity level (1 and 2.3 met) with a panel of 25
Chamra L M, Huynh K, Hodge B K
A CFD code has been used to design and optimize the ventilation system of a building dedicated to auto-racing (120 000 persons, 45 cars).
Zhai Z, Chen Q, Scanlon P W
Describes what could be the requirements of a European standard (not yet numbered) prepared by Technical Committee 156 (Working Group 7) of CEN (European Standardization Committee) about the calculation of energy requirements for buildings with ro
Zweifel G
The article presents the scope and content of ISO 13790 standard which is intended to calculate the energy use for space heating of buildings. Information is given about the accuracy of the standard calculation method.
Roulet C A
Describes the content of the European and International standard EN-ISO 13792 which allows the simplified calculation of the internal temperature in hot season of a room without mechanical cooling.
Millet J R, Romagnoni P
The revision of Ashrae standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, began in 1991. This article gives a summary of the changes that have been approved and describes the issues that remain to be resolved.
Persily A
Three algorithms (steady-state, dynamic, proportional) for CO2-demand controlled ventilation, coupled with three methods for determining minimum air flow rates (Ashrae 62, CEN CR 1752, Polish standard) and three occupancy scenarios, have been anal
Sowa J
The aim of this study is to evaluate different control strategies on ventilation in a bathroom and their efficiency. Comments are given on running time periods as well as reaction of different controls (occupation, CO2/COV, humidity).
Raymer P H
The study was to evaluate energy use of ventilation system with supply in corridors and exhaust in wet rooms.
Phillips B, Hill D
This paper gives formulas for optimal design of all-air systems regarding costs, allowing to calculate the optimum outdoor air rates in office buildings.
Jönsson A
Thermal mixing of two air streams (outdoor air flow and return air flow) with different temperatures and velocities was studied experimentally in a chamber as it exists inside air handling units, with different adjustments of parallel air dampers.
Sun C, Finaish F, Sauer H J
This study is an analysis of the advantages of two ventilation systems (exhaust mechanical ventilation, balanced mechanical ventilation with heat recovery) using the Negative Index approach, which is affected by life cycle cost and environmental i
Saari A
Field tests and a model allowed to study contaminant concentrations in a single family home in California operating with natural ventilation or with one of six mechanical ventilation systems (cyclic or continuous, multi-point or single-point exhau
Wempen J
Field measurements were carried out on six office buildings in Taïwan to evaluate ventilation efficiencies on the concentration of formaldehyde and TVOC, as well as the impact of ventilation rates on reducing these concentrations.
Li Y Y, Wu P C, SU H J, Chou P C, Chiang C M
