
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Outlines a study carried out in order to assess the impact of lighting energy savings on global energy consumption for office buildings.
Bodart M, De Herde A
Gives a report on thermal comfort and IAQ studies of an under-floor air-conditioning (UFAC) system in a hot and humid climate.
Sekhar S C, Ching C S
States that most whole building thermal modelling computer programs use simplified, one-dimensional, parallel path descriptions of the building envelope, which may generate serious errors in building load estimation for several structural and mate
Kosny J, Kossecka E
Energy renovation of existing buildings can be of varying value as regards improving thermal conditions and energy savings, and economic restrictions.
Papadopoulos A M, Theodosiou T G, Karatzas K D
Investigates the functional connection between the ventilation rate experienced within a building and both the separation of the inlet and outlet vents and the temperature difference between the internal and external air.
Coley D A
Aims to supply a simple and useful tool for the analysis of energy performance of different ventilated facades typology.
Balocco C
Proposes an HVAC system which combines chilled ceiling with desiccant cooling, to be used in hot and humid climates where air dehumidification is necessary in order to maintain the indoor air humidity within a comfort zone and to lessen the risk o
Niu J L, Zhang L Z, Zuo H G
The subject of this study is the design of cooled ceiling and displacement ventilation systems in buildings.
Novoselac A, Srebric J
Brief article introducing issues in the topic of thermal comfort standards and outlining papers from a recent conference on the subject held at Windsor, UK.
Nicol F, Parsons K
States that the PMV model is in good agreement with high-quality field studies in buildings with HVAC systems, located in cold temperate and warm climates, which were studied in both summer and winter.
Fanger P O, Toftum J
Describes existing ISO standards and current projects concerning thermal comfort. Describes the production process for ISO standards.
Olesen B W, Parsons K C
A new adaptive comfort standard is included in recently accepted revisions to ASHRAE Standard 55 - 'thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy'.
de Dear R J, Brager G S
Explains the origin and development of the adaptive approach to thermal comfort.
Nicol J F, Humphreys M A
Describes the current design standard BS EN ISO7730 - 'Moderate thermal environments - determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort'.
Loveday D L, Parsons K C, Taki A H, Hodder S G
Discusses, in the context of the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model, the representation and measurement of clothing parameters and metabolic rate. Identifies several problems and provides solutions to a few.
Havenith G, Holmer I, Parsons K
Presents a series of laboratory studies into thermal comfort requirements. Groups of 16 persons were used in two studies, to look at the effects of gender over three-hour exposures in simulated living room and office environments.
Parsons K C
Summarises a study that found a clear impact of activity and overall thermal sensation on human sensitivity to air movement, while no interaction effects of exposure to several local thermal discomfort factors were observed.
Toftum J
The paper compares a long and short term study of naturally ventilated buildings in a city in western Iran. For the hot season the neutral temperatures from the short and long term studies were 28.4 and 26.7 deg. C.
Heidari S, Sharples S
An analysis was done to look at the differences in the way occupants perceive the office environment. The surveys were done in an office with multinational workers in Japan. The 406 returned questionnaires were grouped by nationality and gender.
Nakano J, Tanabe S, Kimura K
States that existing standards and models are not sufficient to characterise the satisfaction and pleasantness for end-users which is provided by heating or air conditioning.
Evin F, Siekierski E
