
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

States that most Colorado homes deliver R-13 walls, R-30 attics, double vinyl windows (no low-e) a low-end water heater, and extraordinarily leaky ductwork.
Andrews S
States that the introduction of focal plane array (FPA) products in infrared thermography in the 1990s dramatically improved quality and has helped to lower prices and that infrared thermography has long been used for building diagnostics because
Snell J
Compares the energy efficiency of modular and standard homes and finds little difference.
Holdridge D
Presents a selection of moisture problems encountered in the south eastern USA. Discusses moisture in attics, moisture in floor cavities, moisture inside the house, hardwood floors with moisture problems, and vented crawlspaces.
Davis B, Tooley J
Materials in the indoor environment are generally regarded as the sources of contaminants which affect air quality indoors.
Stymne H, Hansson P
A field study was carried out to establish the performance of five thermal distribution systems in four large commercial buildings.
Xu T T, Carrie F R, Dickerhoff D J, Fisk W J, McWilliams J, Wang D, Modera M P
Describes a numerical simulation of carbon dioxide dispersion as a result of occupant breathing in the enclosed space of an auditorium.
Papakonstantinou K A, Kiranoudis C T, Markatos N C
Describes a simple design tool called the 'office building module' (OPTI), which is intended to help building professionals to incorporate the impact of design choices on energy consumption when designing a project.
Gratia E, de Herde A
States that one of the most important parameters for multizone airflow simulation is the wind pressure distribution around a building. Pressure coefficients usually form the input, and the values derives from wind tunnel studies.
Wong N H, Chin H K
The potential of natural ventilation control techniques when applied to full scale buildings is investigated with the use of both experimental and theoretical tools.
Assimakopoulos M N, Tsangrassoulis A, Mihalakakou G, Santamouris M, Jaure S
Describes details of a passive building component consisting of a ventilated roof with a maintained wet lower surface of the cavity over which the external air flows.
Manzan M, Saro O
Gives the results of an investigation on the combined effect of balcony, opening design and internal division on the indoor airflows pattern of a living zone located on the second floor of a two storey building. It was done using N3S software.
Prianto E, Depecker P
Describes a simple design tool called the 'office building module' (OPTI), which is intended to help building professionals to incorporate the impact of design choices on energy consumption when designing a project.
Gratia E, de Herde A
Outlines an updated, expanded tool, NEAT 7.0 which can be used to determine the most cost-effective retrofit measures for single-family homes and is aimed at increasing energy efficiency and comfort levels.
Gettings M B
Describes how incentives for energy efficient rehabilitation of urban multifamily buildings has now been extended to single family homes, by one of the largest utilities in the US Midwest.
Knight P
Describes how substantial differences resulted from performing a 'Duct Blaster' test during the framing stage and at completion. Outlines the tests used to pinpoint the problem.
Wastchak D, Ueno K
Describes a travelling display for methods of retrofitting residential buildings.
Tilden P
Describes how a small business was set up in the field of home energy performance contracting.
Stitt O, Stitt M
Short article on insulation for residential buildings.
Since no literature on design calculations for natural ventilation could be found, the author developed an original design method in the early nineties. He is still using the method to design areas that have to be ventilated naturally.
van Olffen E
