
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Describes the thermal model available, both simple and complex and outlines capabilities and limitations.
Jones B W
Suggests that particularly for outdoor thermal comfort assessments in cold conditions, non-steady state models should be applied.
Hoppe P
The market evolution of domestic exhaust air heat pumps since 1979 in Sweden is described. Some information is also given about the German market.
Fehrm M, Reiners W, Ungemach M
The paper gives an explanation of the phenomenon of attachment of a cold air jet to a ceiling, based on a theoretical analysis.
Triboix A, Marchal D
The risk of contaminant deposition (10 microns particles) on an operating room surgical site is evaluated for different ventilation systems - conventional, laminar, non-aspirating, displacement -, using airflow modeling and particle tracking metho
Memarzadeh F, Manning A P
Tests have been performed on several ceiling air diffusers supplied with low air temperatures (6 to 16°C - 90% humidity) to study water vapour condensation on diffusers surface.
Kashirajima Y, Sugiura T, Takahashi M, Sugihara Y, Ooshima N
An audit of 20 hospital operating rooms was operated in Grece in order to collect information about the HVAC installations and the indoor physical parameters.
Balaras C A, Dascalaki E, Argiriou A A, Gaglia A
Ventilation airflow rates and internal air distribution were measured in four poultry slaughter plants (250 to 775 workers), equipped with negative pressure ventilation systems (exhaust flow rate from 7.1 to 27.4 m3/s - no air intakes - supply air
Heber A J, Peugh M W, Zimmerman N J, Linton R H
A procedure to verify, validate and report CFD analyses in indoor environment applications has been developed.
Srebric J, Chen Q
A specially designed garment for direct physical measurement of both the convective and the radiative components of human heat loss was developped, using sensitive heat flux transducers housed in clothing pockets.
Zhou G H, Loveday D L, Taki A H, Parsons K C
Laboratory experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of different CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation strategies (on/off, proportional, linear, PID) on energy consumption and indoor air quality, with various ventilation rates and occup
Alalawi M A, Krarti M
Design process of buildings currently addresses indoor air quality through ventilation flow rates requirements.
Musser A, Persily A K
A multizone air flows simulation code (IDA MAE) was used to evaluate a hybrid ventilation system (passive stack with assisting fans) in a Swedish school (9350 m2 - 20 classrooms), in the framework of the HYBVENT project (Annex 35 of IEA).
Eriksson J, Wahlström A
A simplified methodology for numerical simulation of air flows around and above ventilated chairs in a theater or auditorium has been developed.
Zhao B, Li X, Lu J
Different geometries to simulate a person in an indoor environment numerical simulation have been evaluated with respect to local and global air flows, as well as convective heat transfer.
Topp C, Nielsen P V, Sorensen D N
Experimental results in a testing room with mixing ventilation were used to define two new ways of designing the inlet airflow in order to ensure comfort.
Jacobsen T S, Nielsen P V, Hansen R, Mathiesen E, Topp C
A thermal manikin with 16 independently heated sections has been used for measurements of thermal comfort with mixing and displacement ventilation.
Nielsen P V, Jacobsen T S, Hansen R, Mathiesen E, Topp C
Experimental results on the thermal conditions around a ventilated chair (with air supply openings in its base) are provided. They concern air velocities, temperatures and thermal comfort for a seated person.
Lu J, Li X, Zhao B
A two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was used to measure velocity and turbulence of air flow around a heated manikin in a large room (volume about 80 m3).
Hosni M H, Jones B W
CFD calculations were performed in a ventilated room of 5.7 m2, with an air supply near the floor and an air exhaust near the ceiling on the opposite wall. Air flow rate and inlet temperature are 14.3 l/s and 22C.
Hayashi T, Murakami S, Kato S, Yang J H
