
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The study investigates the relationship between ventilation rates and work performance on two specific tasks (talk and wrap-up) in a call-center.
Federspiel C C, Liu G, Lahiff M, Faulkner D, Dibartolomeo D L, Fisk W J, Porice P N, Sullivan D P
The study presents a cost analysis including energy calculations for three outdoor climates (cold, moderate and hot) to improve indoor air quality in an existing building considering both variable air volume (VAV) and constant air volume (CAV) sys
Djukanovic R, Wargocki P, Fanger P O
Several previous calculations have shown that many of the measures taken to improve indoor air quality and climate are cost-effective when the potential savings are included into the calculations as benefits.
Tuomainen M, Smolander J, Kurnitski J, Palonen J, Seppänen O
Particle penetration into an unoccupied research house was investigated through measurements under different conditions. Onmy particles with aerodynamic diameter of 20 to 3000 nm enter the house in significant quantity.
Mosley R B, Whitfield C
Two aluminium windows were tested to determine the fractional penetration of airborne particles. Results show that mainly particles of 0.2 to 3 microns enter through both windows.
Liu D L, Nazaroff W W
The filtration efficiency of residential furnaces air filters was measured in several houses in Canada. Even efficient filters have a minor influence on particulate levels in houses. The ways to reduce these levels were investigated.
Fugler D, Bowser D
Particles distribution in type and size were determined in six office buildings in Oslo (Norway).
Kruse K, Madso L, Skogstad A, Eduard W, Levy F, Skulberg K, Skyberg K
Indoor aerosol particulate matter (PM) concentrations were measured gravimetrically in 36 carpeted bedrooms of asthmatic children. Particulate concentration was higher indoors than outdoors.
White K, Smith S, Dingle P
CFD calculations and laboratory measurements in a full-scale model were carried out to assess the performance of a full transparent second skin façade intended to equip an office building, composed of very low solar energy transmittance glass, and
Van Leurs J, Luscuere P G
Results are shown on how to use the thermal mass of buildings envelope to ameliorate diurnal temperature swings in hot dry regions.
Meir I A, Roaf S C
This paper presents 3 full-scale test rooms in a series of 14 built in Italy, with different types of façades.
Colombari M, Kragh M, Zobec M, De Carli M, Franceschet A, Zecchin R
Numerical modeling and on site measurements were applied to the ventilated double-skin glazed façade of the Moravian Library building in Brno (Czech Republic) to determine the air temperatures and velocities into the façade.
Jaros M, Gorny R, Charvat P, Katolicky J, Sedlak J
An energy audit calculation procedure has been developed for existing buildings. It allows to estimate which measures have to be taken to improve the thermal performance of building envelope.
Petrov B, Puikevica-Puikevska I, Zeltinsh N
Performance of solar systems used to preheat ventilation air was investigated through long-term (several years) measurements on three buildings in Czech Republic. Buildings and results are described.
Charvat P, Jaros M
Photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar collectors (producing electricity and warm air) were simulated with TRNSYS software when used together with a heat pump and an auxiliary gas boiler in a complete system to produce space heating and domestic hot wa
Yoshinaga M, Okumiya M
Practical application on two buildings (a movie theater and an office building) of the Indoor Air Quality Procedure described in ASHRAE Standard 62 is demonstrated.
Stanley W B M, Muller C O
A Norwegian research project in under progress to develop a new concept for control of air movements in protection isolates, operating theatres and other risk areas in hospitals.
Flatheim G
Four relocatable classrooms were designed, constructed and tested in Californian schools to demonstrate technologies that improve energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality.
Apte M G, Hodgson A T, Shendell D G, Dibartolomeo D, Hochi T, Kumar S, Lee S M, Liff S M, Rainer L I, Schmidt R C, Sullivan D P, Diamond R C, Fisk W J
Indoor environmental measurements (temperature, CO2, formaldehyde, TVOC) were operated in 28 classrooms in Warsaw (Poland). The classrooms were equipped with natural ventilation systems. Air change rates were calculated from CO2 concentrations.
Sowa J
Physico-chemical and microbiological measurements (temperature, humidity, CO2, CO, VOC, bacteria and fungi) were performed on indoor air of three schools near Paris (France). Results of measurements are given and analysed.
Riberon J, O'Kelly P, Maupetit F, Robine E
